Heavy Talk and Theatre Time

485 15 16

TW: Bruises

Jack POV
There was smudged make-up. Below his eye. I looked a tad closer and saw some purple a blue. A black eye. Before I could say anything, Crutchie walked into class. I decided to ask him about it after class.

~~~Time skip cause i dont want to write a boring class~~~

I walked out of class with Crutchie by my side. We walked in silence for a little.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"What?" He said, confused.

"What happened to your eye?" As I said that, he looked away. I stopped him. "Crutch. What happened to give a black eye?"

"I just fell... down the stairs once. My crutch hit my eye. I didn't want you to get worried so I covered it up." Crutchie said. I didn't need to see his face to know he was lying. "Look I have to go to class. I'll see you at lunch." He said, and hurried off. I sighed. Would I ever be able to get him to tell the truth?

Davey POV
It's finally lunch time. I can't wait to see the gang and Jack. Wait. Why specifically Jack? Why did you say 'the gang AND Jack' brain? I continued to think about it as I walked in. But once I saw the gang, my worries blew away. I took up my seat next to Jack and Kathrine. Everyone was already at the table, and lunch antics were in full swing.

"Ten bucks says that Elm can't fit ten." Race bet. Spot and Finch both scoffed.

"Fifteen says he can fit more." Spot countered.

"Twenty that he can fit more than twenty." Finch retorted. The bet was on. Elmer started sticking the thick straws in him mouth. Over and over again.

"Nineteen, twenty, one more Elm and I get twenty-five bucks! Twenty-one! Hand it over boys!" Finch said proudly as Elmer started to choke a little. I laughed a little. The gang was so weird, but I loved it. I also saw Crutchie immediately go help Elmer and stop him from choking fully. I smiled to myself, wondering how the others in the gang hadn't noticed the two yet.

I felt Jack tense a little next to me and saw him looking at Crutchie. I squinted in suspicion.

"Hey, Jack? You good?" I whispered. Jack looked at me then nodded a little. I wasn't fully convinced but I also knew it wasn't my place to push.

Crutchie POV
Once the bell rang, I got up from the table. I was about to leave when Jack stopped me, again.

"What do you need?" I asked, a littler irritated.

"I know you're lying. I know you didn't just fall down the stairs. Can you please tell me what really happened?!" Jack said, voice full of concern and a little anger. I sighed.

"I can't tell you. But please believe me when I say I'm fine." I said, looking at him. He slowly nodded, and I could tell he was still skeptical. I walked out of the doors and towards third period.

~~~Time Skippy~~~

Finally, fourth period. The best period of the day. Not only is it the last of the school day, but it's also theatre. I get to see the entire gang and some other friends. I also get to see Miss Medda. I walked into the auditorium and saw Albert, Katherine, and Specs already there. I walked over and we talked for a little until everyone was there.

"Okay class! Actors, please go to the left side and techies please go to the right!" Miss Medda called out. I said goodbye to everyone but Albert, who was a fellow techie. I walked over and immediately saw two people. One had an orange beanie and the other had bright, multi colored hair.

"Joan! Talyn!" I called out to them. They turned around and we met near the middle of the group.

"Hey Crutchie!" Talyn exclaimed excitedly. I smiled back at them and hobbled over.

"What have you decided to do this year? Sound, lights, costumes, make-up?" Joan asked me.

"Probably costumes or sound again. What about you guys?" I asked, nodding to Joan, Talyn, and Albert.

"I want to do make-up," Talyn responded.

"I'm probably gonna do lights," Albert said.

"I think I'll do costumes," Joan added. I nodded and smiled. Miss Medda soon stood on the stage again.

"Okay everyone! Now that you're acquainted, lets see what the play is going to be this year!"

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