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TW: Slight cussing, Wires, Hospital

Jack POV
I hopped into Medda's car quickly, Race right next to me. Medda already knew about what happened, she was a teacher and all.

"Ready to go boys?" She asked. We nodded and she went off. We arrived pretty soon, only about 6 minutes. Most of the parents just dropped off, so that the waiting room was not over crowded. Medda had decided to drop us off as well. When we got in Elmer, Davey, Sarah, Katherine, Spot, and Albert were already there. Finch and Specs wouldn't be able to come today, sadly, because they had some other plans that they were needed for.

Katherine and Sarah were whispering to each other, smiling a little and blushing. Davey, Elmer, and Albert were also talking, and Spot just looked lost in thought.

"Hey Jack." Davey said when I walked in. I walked over to his group and talked a little with him. Race went over to talk with Spot.

"Apparently he had internal bleeding as well, so he had to go into a surgery." Elmer said glumly.

"But he should be out soon," Albert said, trying to cheer us up. Romeo came in at some point and joined us. Soon a nurse came out and looked at them all.

"Are you all here for Charlie Morris?" They asked. We nodded. "He is out of surgery, and you can see him. Be careful though because he is still under the anesthesia a little." Davey had a worried look on his face, but I dismissed it for just being worried about the whole situation. The group seemed to move as one as we followed the nurse. "Only three at a time." The nurse warned us.

We looked at each other, silently asking who should go first. Romeo shook his head lightly, as did Albert and Sarah. I looked between Davey, Spot, Elmer, Katherine, Race, and I.

"I think you three should go. Especially so you can apologize." Spot said, pointing to Race, Davey, and I. I nodded, and felt something touch my hand. Soon it was a hand threaded through mine giving it a small squeeze. I looked for the owner and saw Davey. I blushed a bit, but composed myself and went inside the room.

It was all a starch white, a bright one that hurt your eyes. My eyes finally landed on Crutchie, and I felt my breathing hitch. He was connected with many wires to machines. He was bandaged in many places, and his right arm was in a cast. His body was covered from head to toe in bruises, and more alarmingly, ones that did not look fresh.

He was also completely still, not a twitch or anything. It was unnerving, for he was almost always moving. I could feel Davey's grip tighten on my hand a little as he took it in. Race pulled up three chairs, and we sat beside his bed.

"Hey Crutch." I murmured. "I know this is far too little, but I wanted to say I'm sorry. For trying to get you to talk when you obviously didn't want to."

"Me too,"

"Yeah, it was my stupid idea." Race added. I didn't know what else to say, hell I didn't even know if Crutchie could hear me. The three of us stayed silent for a little, it was half awkward and also half comfortable.

We were about to leave when I saw his hand twitch. I looked up and saw his face. He was groggily opening his eyes. Almost immediately, he squeezed them tightly shut, probably because of the harsh lights.

"What'd I miss?" He asked, his voice hoarse. I laughed at his reference as Race and Davey's heads snapped up.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" Race exclaimed.

"I wouldn't say 'okay', but not dead." Crutchie countered. "And I forgive all of you. Just please don't do it again." He asked. All of us nodded simultaneously. After a little bit of talking, we went out of the room.

"Spot, I think you Elmer and someone else should go in." I said. I smiled a little as they went in.

"You never told them he was awake," Davey whispered in my ear.

"It's the little surprise." I smiled, mostly thinking about how we were still holding hands and how close he was to me. I was also smiling because Crutchie was okay and had forgiven me. I heard a quiet shriek of joy, and knew one must have realized he had woken up and would be okay. This would have to get better after this.

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