Anger and Guilt

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TW: None that I know of (tell me if I miss any)

Crutchie POV
I decided to skip out of sitting with the gang, and Spot joined me. I was still so mad at Race, Davey, and Jack. They had tried to trick me just because I wasn't ready to tell them something. What good friends.

"-utchie! You zoned out a little, is you'se okay?" Spot asked, waving a hand in front of my eyes. I shook my head a little, trying to clear it. My thoughts were still muddled from yesterday, and the headache seemed to get worse.

"I'm fine, sorry Spot." Spot shrugged.

"Nothin' to be sorry about." He laughed, I laughed a little as well. "So, are ya gonna tell the other guys, and Katherine and Sarah, that you isn't mad at 'em?"

"I mean, I have first period with a bunch, so probably. I just hope they aren't mad at me for ditching." I sighed. I was a lot more worried than I let on though. I was so scared they weren't going to talk to me. Or listen to me. I felt someone shake my shoulders and was sucked back into reality.

"Crutchie?! Are you sure you're okay? Because that's the second time in two minutes you'se zoned out," Spot looked concerned. "And I know that ain't normal." I decided to answer him with part of the truth.

"Yeah sorry, I've just been having this really bad headache for a little bit. I probably zoned out just cause... I don't know, cause the brain can be weird sometimes." I laughed. Spot snorted a little then covered his mouth. I laughed at him a little.

"You tell anyone about that and you'se is dead!" Spot threatened. I laughed a little harder.

"Like you would hurt me. But okay, I won't tell." I put my hands up in mock surrender. Soon the bell rang and we went our ways, Spot going to english and me going to science. I walked in and sat down, but was not as excited as usual. I had this class with Albert, Elmer, Specs, and Finch, and they would be wondering what was wrong. I didn't want them to be mad at me, and I wasn't mad at them.

They walked in together, talking, but when they saw me they stopped. I looked away from them, a little guilty. I felt someone sit down next to me and saw Elmer's smiling face. What a face- face the fact that he might be mad. I thought to myself.

"Hey Crutchie! If its okay, can we ask you why you didn't sit with us?" He asked quietly. I reluctantly nodded.

"I am mad at a few people. Like really mad. I knew if I sat there it would be awkward and have a lot of tension." I responded. He nodded then looked at the others, who hadn't sat down yet.

"Was it one of us?"

"No no no no! It's a few different people. I feel guilty not telling you'se guys though, so sorry." I said, looking at the others. They seemed to relax and sat down in their normal spots.

"Eh, forget about it. I'se just glad you ain't mad at me." Albert said. Everyone else nodded in agreement and I smiled, glad they weren't mad.

"So who ARE you mad at?" Finch asked. I sighed a little and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Jack, Race, and Davey."

"Why?" Specs inquired.

"They did something that broke my trust big time." I explained, leaving it at that. They all nodded, and Elmer looked mildly annoyed. I hoped that they didn't get mad at the three because of me. Class started, and I got happier. I loved science and most of my friends knew I wasn't mad at them.

We learned mostly about chemical reactions and how to identify them.

"Hey Crutch? Can you sit with us at lunch? Spot too. We need to talk about the rally, and we miss you." Finch said. I nodded and they smiled. The bell rang and we got up from our seats. I turned down Elmer's offer to help and walked out behind everyone.

I walked through the doors and turned to go to my next class. As I'm walking past a dark classroom, I'm suddenly pulled into it. A hand grabbed my arm and covered my mouth. Once in there I turn to see two people I would rather not see. The Delancy brothers.

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