One More Day

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Jack POV
I woke up early this morning, just like yesterday. And probably tomorrow. My nerves were getting the better of me. I just felt so awful for betraying my friends. And I know it was so save them from being expelled, but it still felt awful. I sighed and smacked my alarm when it started blaring. I got up, already ready, and headed to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

"You're up early," Race commented. I nodded, and started walking out of the door. Race grabbed my arm.

"Are you okay? You keep seeming... not here." Race said as he searched for the right words. I shrugged him off.

"I'm fine. And I'm not spacing out." I said. Race laughed a little.

"That is not true at all. Something is on your mind big time. I'm not the only one who has noticed. Why can't you just tell me?" Race pleaded slightly. I glared at him.

"It's none of your business," I snarled and walked away. I went to the kitchen and sat down, reading the note Medda left. She had to go early because the auditions were in a few days and she needed to work. I grabbed a waffle and toasted it as Race walked in, glaring at me. I returned the glare and he grabbed some cereal. Once we both were ready we walked out together, because even though we were mad both wanted the other safe. We got to school and sat down, not talking to each other.

"Wow, what happened to you two?" Finch asked, pointing to me and Race.

"We got in an argument." I said simply. The gang shrugged and took the answer, going back to their conversation.

~~~Time Of the Skips~~~

It was now theatre, and I was actually happy. I walked in and went to where the other actors were hanging out.

"I'm so nervous! They are so soon!" Davey was saying while talking to Elmer and Thomas.

"I know right?! I feel like I haven't had time to memorize my song!" Thomas agreed. Elmer put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't you already know it by heart?" He asked. Thomas sighed then nodded with a laugh. I assumed they were talking about the auditions. "You two have it easier too! You both are doing popular musicals, Be More Chill isn't as well known."

"And that makes it easier how?" Davey asked.

"Yeah, it just means if we mess up even a little bit, a lot more people will notice." Elmer backed him up.

"I guess you are right," Thomas said. By then I had finished unpacking my things and walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" I said. They greeted back to me. I saw Thomas shoot a look to Davey, who glared in response, but I couldn't figure out what the look was.

"You're doing Dancing Through Life right?" Thomas asked and I nodded. "That's gotta be hard."

"Eh, I've already heard it so many times." I said with a shrug. "Who are you guys trying out for?"

"I wanna be Evan!" Thomas answered.

"Jared seems cool to me," Davey responded.

"I'm just going for ensemble." Elmer said with a shrug. Just then, Medda started explained what class was going to be. She said it was a free day for the second half, and first half was working with partners on a project. One partner had to be a actor and the other had to be a techie, so most techies had a lot of actor partners. I paired up with Davey, Romeo, and Albert and we got to work.

~~~Time of the Skips~~~

Finally, the school day was over. Race and I hopped into Medda's car after newspaper club.

"So boys, you ready for the rally tomorrow?" Medda asked.

"Yeah!" Race said excitedly. Hearing about the rally made the folded paper in my pocket feel much heavier.

"Yeah," I mumbled in agreement. I stayed silent the rest of the drive home, just looking out the window. When we did get home, I went straight to my room. I unfolded the paper and looked it over some. I then finished my homework and went outside to eat dinner. By then it was pretty late and I decided to try and get some sleep. I laid down and closed my eyes. My last thought before drifting off was this: Your friends will HATE you now.....

A/N: SORRY for all of the time skips i just didnt feel like adding that stuff and really wanted to get to the rally

Carrying The Banner//A Modern Day Newsies Story//COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora