Wait It Out

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Crutchie POV
This is my last afternoon at the hospital, and I'm half happy half terrified. I also feel stupid and weak for feeling terrified, so thats great. I am leaving later tonight, after a few tests are run. Pretty much they just need to know I don't have a concussion.

I have also been debating with myself all day. Debating wether to tell somebody about my dad or not. It could help. But if the person doesn't care and my dad finds out... If I tell Jack he will care, but he might go and attack. If I tell Elmer he will care, and will try to get me away from him, but I can't do that without my dad finding out. I sighed as the thoughts raced through my head. I know the best person to tell will probably be Jack, because we have been best friends for years. I do want to tell my boyfriend, but I don't want to seem like a burden.

I finally make a decision. I will tell Jack... just in a few days. Not right now when he has the rally to worry about, but maybe after. I'll just have to keep it together.

"Hello Charlie!" The peppy voice of my nurse said as he walked in. "We are going to check if you have a concussion, just to see if we need you to rest. We are definitely letting you out later tonight, it just could mean a day or two in bed." He explained and I nodded. He asked me a few questions, mostly if I had had headaches or dizziness or trouble focusing. I said yes, but that it was before I came to the hospital. He shined a light in my eyes a few times, then wrote some things down.

"Okay, so you seemed to have recovered from your concussion! You might still have a few symptoms for a little while, but they should stop after about 3 weeks. If they don't tell your doctor. You must be careful not to re-open your stitches, but other than that you can go!" I smiled and thanked him. Once he had left I got up carefully and packed away the few things I had. I also, begrudgingly, texted my dad that I would be home tonight and that some friends were going to be with me. I never got a response, only got a 'read'.

I turned off my phone, but before I did I checked the time. It was 3:30, so I knew the gang would be coming soon. Jack, Elmer, and Davey had decided to help me get settled back at home, although I insisted they didn't have to. I would leave around 4:30, and I personally hopes I would never be back there. I sat on the edge of my bed waiting for what seemed like hours, but was probably only a few minutes, until the gang crashed in. All of them. Soon everyone was sitting in every possible place in my room and we were all chatting and laughing together.

"Okay! Unpopular opinion time!" Race yelled out. "Pineapple is amazing on pizza." This elicited many shouts of protests and many nods of agreement. I was personally non-partial, for I had never had pineapple on pizza. I looked over to Jack, who was sitting next to Davey and Elmer, to see what he thought. As I looked, I noticed the glassy and far off look in his eyes. He seemed to be debating with himself like I was earlier. I tapped his shoulder and he snapped out of it.

"Jack? Are you okay? What is wrong?" I whispered to him.

"It's nothing Crutchie," He assured, although I was anything but convinced.

"Something is wrong or troubling you, I can tell, and it could help to tell someone about it."

"Hypocrite," He muttered a little. I shrugged it off, mostly because he was right.

"Please tell me Jack?" I pleaded.

"I can't." He stated, his voice firm. I sighed and turned back to the pizza conversation, knowing I would get nothing out of him. I really did want to help, he looked very conflicted, but if he didn't want me to then I couldn't. I would have to wait it out.

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