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TW: Swearing

~~~Time Skippy to Monday btw~~~

Davey POV
I woke up, not to my alarm surprisingly. I always wake up early on days I'm really nervous or really excited for, so that was probably the case for today. I can't tell wether I am excited or nervous, so I will have to figure that out as the day goes on.

I check the time and see it is 6:38. Reasonable time to wake up. I throw the covers off of me and am immediately greeted with a rush of cold air. With a small shiver, I get up and out of bed. After getting dressed and getting a comb through my hair, I go to the kitchen. My dad is up and eating breakfast.

"You're up early," he comments. I don't usually get up this early, so I don't usually get to see him in the mornings, but when I do it's fun, "What are you excited or nervous for?"

"The advertising thing. I know they can't kick us out or anything, but still." I say, my words still a little bit slurred together from sleep. My dad nodded while taking a bite of his cereal.

"Hey, the best you can do is try." He assured me. I nodded in agreement, getting a small boost of confidence from it. We talked for a little bit about random things, but around 7:15 he had to go.

"Bye David,"

"Bye Dad." Annnnnnd now I'm bored. I decide to just play on my phone until Sarah or Mom or Les gets up. Finally, around 7:45, they all wake up.

"Morning," I say to them, and Sarah grumbles back a response. "You might want to eat quickly, we only have 15 minutes." I say with a small smirk. I hear a quite "shit" from Sarah as she shoved food into her mouth then runs to get ready in the bathroom. Les does the same and I faintly hear their argument. Soon it is 7:58 and Sarah is finally ready. Our mom ushers us to the car and we cram in.

Both of our backpacks are filled with extra paper, the flyers to be exact. Jack and Race were going earlier to help put the flyers in Medda's and Denton's classrooms, and also to hang up the posters. Once we got to school I saw Race and Jack talking at the table. Sarah and I slid into our 'assigned' seats. The conversation was on... odd topics, but it was enough to sustain us until the rest of the gang (minus Crutchie) was there. We divided the papers amongst ourselves, and decided where specifically to go. I checked the time and saw that there was 15 minutes until the bell.

"15 minutes left guys, I say we go ahead and put them up." I comment. People nodded and our group disperses. I have a roll of tape, and mostly tape the flyers up on walls around the hallways. Just as I finish my stack, the bell rings and I make my way to science (if this is wrong idc i cant remember their schedules). Time seems to fly, because it feels like seconds when the bell rings. Then it feels like a few more seconds until the lunch bell rings. This is when we can really see our damage. I get to the cafeteria and see everyone else there. Once they see me, they wave and I speed walk over.

"How did handing them out go?" I asked Sarah, Katherine, Elmer, and Romeo. They were the four handing them out during the day.

"Only have half left, which is perfect." Romeo responds.

"I got rid of most of mine. Apparently everyone in my fourth period was in a club or sport of some kind." Katherine said with a small laugh. Sarah and Elmer nodded along to what they had said.

"What about the posters?" Finch asked, voicing what I was thinking.

"Went up easy, can't miss 'em." Race said with a small smirk.

"Putting them up was easy," Spot said, and Albert and I nod in agreement.

"Well done, by the way." Specs says, turning to Jack. Jack blushed a little as people agreed.

"It wasn't the best art really,"

"If that wasn't the best artwork I want to see what is," I comment, getting a few breathy chuckles and some nods. I smile seeing (almost) everyone together, hopeful, happy, and excited about the rally. It's going to work.

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