35. He Whom Paints His Nails pt. 2

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Noah POV

The morning woke with my birth mother scaring the living hell out of me, I suspected that she had been watching me sleep. I don't know for however long but she'd been here in my room and the only thing worse than her watching me sleep is the lack of sleep she had ridden on her face. A waste of flawless skin. Her ex wife, someone I considered more motherly than her, came in my room, possibly saving the day. 

Ashley told me what to do and with that I had to get the day started. It was almost too easy to find something to wear, a fun day required something easy. May we could go to the beach later on? I wore a loose lightweight robin's egg blue turleneck, loose ripped cream colored jeans and white sneakers. I figured that this looked okay. After the shower I managed to slick back my hair until it reached to my neck and tucked the unruly hairs behind the shells olf my ears. I looked . . . Neat. 

I smiled in the mirror for the first time as I felt a sense of welcoming, where I wasn't born into it but rather, invited to it. My siblings and birthmother's ex wife made be feel as though I belonged within such a short time, but there was enough days to go around where the dysfunction would show it's ungodly face. I could sense it in them all, the adults .  . . waiting inside their veins and bodies to just act out in someway like it had been waiting to spew out of them the first night I met this family; Still, I didn't mind. I wasn't perfect either, my blue skin had thayt to make up for it. 

The love on Ashley's face could bring anyone to tears, she seemed like she wanted to hug everything that was alive; There was a beauty to the pain displayed on her face when she looked at all of her children. The longing to hold them closer and faster. The look towards me was way worse. The longing sang as if it were a siren and it called to me closer to her. 

I walked to my sister's room, where she and my other sisters had all shared, specifically looking for Dallas who was the least feminine of the bunch, her curls shone is a light brown and remained with life though she kept it to her ears, length-wise. She stood by the window looking down from her room, her face was pale as could be. "you need to eat," I told her, startling her from the silence she had created about her. 

She chuckled stiffly and turned from the window. "I will,"

"Are you excited to spend the day with me?" I asked, eyeing her ensemble. She wore safety pins for earrings, a silk scarf to keep her hair from her face, a white button down and blue denim overalls, rolled up with the same white sneakers as I wore. She looked adorable, modest and as though this was the real her. Simplicit. 

"All steps closer for us until we really are brother and sister,"

"You mean, fighting like siblings really do." 

We shared a moment for the eyes, together, before laughing and going off downstairs as our siblings sat at the counter to eat breakfast. They looked in small jeallousy and then to Eliza, almost as if pleading her for them to go too. She kindly shook her head and smiled gently. 

A hispanic woman was within the midst of the room, roaming, spreading mayo on sourdough bread and jumped upon seeing my face. "who is this? Don't tell me little Carter has grown up aleady." she had meant my cousin. 

"No, Diane, this is . . . Son,"

They exchanged surprised and yet all-knowing looks back and forth to each other. "oh," Diane murmured. 

"Yep," Eliza said curtly. The table had gone silent as my sister and I wait for Ashley. "alright, finish up, we don't want to be late."

Wolfgang, our brother, jumps down from the stool and walks past us as he cluthes the strap of his messenger bag. "you two are so lucky,"

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