45. Far Enough

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I spent a damned month working on this chapter and got nowhere, sorry. But a certain reader who dared to comment until her heart gave out gave me the push to at least finish this chapter. Thank you. You know who you are!

Eliza POV 

We had arrived in the Serenas; an island so beautiful and big enough for a very small civilization, lush with trees and bright, almost-white sand and luxurious bungalows. I paid more to have reception and wifi installed for the sake of any work emergencies and the kid's availability for testing as well. I didn't want to get in the way of their scholastic education and capabilities since I had already messed up so much about them with their mother over the past two months now. I owed it to them to keep their heads on straight as much as possible, especially after the mishap earlier with Dior.

"This place is magnificent, what did all of this cost?" Lita asked. 

I wanted to tell the truth but if I had everyone on this plane would've thought me to be completely insane. "a few million," I lied; the island had cost around specifically a whopping 10 billion. Ashley looked at me with one eyebrow arched and then scoffed.

I sparred now time having the plane land directly on the island instead of getting a boat across the waters, the sand swarm high in the air, and the trees swayed, revealing the bungalows and the big house; It was better up close. The plane landed on its runway and came to a full stop. "alright everybody get the fuck off, it's high time we have the vacation of our lives!" Alan said. 

That was well agreed upon for everyone. I took Lita's hand in mine, kissing it and looking at Ashley all at the same time. "shall we break in the new house?" I asked.

"Eliza . . . The children," she reminded me in a hushed tone. Lita was right, I should at least check out my new property before ruining it half to death with my girlfriend and ex-wife in tow. I cupped her between her legs before the eyes of every adult around us. "you're right love, I should think of the children,"

A soft gasp escaped Lita's lips before she removed my hand and slammed her legs shut. We removed out seatbelts and took our carry-on bags, one by one exiting the plane. I was awfully glad that I wore a sensible pair of shoes before coming onto the sand, Lita did not, leaving me to hand the bags to the service staff and carry her rather than have her take her shoes off and walk. 

Ashley huffed. "real nice," 

We walked to the aisle, and I couldn't help but shake nagging the feeling of disappointment, I felt like somewhere along I was letting everyone down. I wanted to be looked at, felt like I was still who I was eleven years ago. I rushed into everything. I felt like I had talked too much bad into existence like I had cursed our beloved little family and now all I could say is that I wanted my mother, I needed a hug. 

Something about this all felt wrong. What the hell was I doing? This was nothing like me and it was a dick move, bringing the Cross-Maxim's here to their own island I stole from them. Why did I do this, why did I always do this to myself? 

Look at me, look at me, look at me. . . Please. My anxieties were getting the better of me, the worst even. I felt hot and it wasn't the Serenan weather, and Cataway island was known for its best temperature this time of the year. "are you okay?" Lita asked, more aware of my expression than I was. I found it too late to change my face, unable to look at Lita and more at Ashley who was walking to one of the main houses. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I could fuck your ass right about now, get off for a moment and see how better I feel after that. 

"You look really zoned out, babe, you can put me down now," Lita said. 

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