83. Preggers Can't Be Choosers pt. 2

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8:30 AM

Ashley POV

I was a whopping eight centimeters now, almost there, near the home base before I could begin pushing the baby. Eliza's "help" really did show through in the end, I doubled in size after she managed to get me to relax, and I couldn't be more thankful for her efforts to relieve my pain. I couldn't stop kissing her. One could say I was like a puppy, I owed her more kisses than she knows. 

Everyone had chanted to me "You're doing so good", "You're doing great", "Almost there". I was almost tired of it. Eight centimeters should be enough to start pushing now and yet the baby wouldn't move. Ellis finished an ultrasound nearly ten minutes ago with her fingers up my vagina again and I was tired nonetheless if not more than anyone else here. 

"Breakfast, I want breakfast," I whined. 

"You heard her," Eliza said softly, her head turning toward Joss. "Let the kids come down and see their mother."

I could not argue anymore but I did not want my children to see me like this. In pain, sweaty, and a vagina four times its size. I merely squeezed Eliza's hand. "Just make sure they have the pancakes I want," I told her. 

She nods gingerly. "Of course."

Not too long after the kids came in one by one in their pajamas, standing at the other side across the room. They were afraid, reasonably so. I bought them into this world and they were now watching as their little sister was being born, taking her time to come out of me. Noah was the only one unafraid to come to my side and sit in bed with me. He sat next to me and offered water. "Mom, are you going to be okay?"

He was worried. I hated seeing him worry about another thing, I know he didn't take it well when Eliza was in a coma. As a child, he should never have to worry about anything. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I want you to be okay, I don't want Sunday to tear you apart and leave you to die." There is was again, that name. Sunday. They'd been so fixated on the name. I admit it was pretty but very strange. Poor Noah was afraid he'd lose me in the process of giving birth to his sister and though it could be likely, it wasn't as likely with Ellis and her team around, they'd see it through that my birth was as easy as can be and get us through this safely. 

"You see this family we have, Noah?" I asked. 

"Yeah?" He answered. 

"Your grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts and uncles, and your mothers are not going to let a single thing happen to me. Doctor Ellis here won't either. She is amazing at what she does and we'd be wrong to misplace our faith in her. Hopefully, by the end of the day your sister will feel like joining the rest of us and you can meet her. You can see how perfect she is and that I am fine, okay? Nothing else is going to tear this family apart again."

"Ever?" He asked. 

"Ever," I said. 

And then the pancakes came, for which I was thankful. I managed to eat a few forkfuls before I threw it all up in a plastic bag. "I'm okay, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Salome asked. 

"It's all those green smoothies Eliza has forced me to drink, the baby disagrees with anything else now." I jest. 

Eliza playfully shoots me a glare, reprimanding me. "It is only because I care."

Contractions had grown shorter over time, we were just waiting now. There was nothing I could do, eating was not on the list of all things. At eight centimeters I decided it was time I could go into the pool now if only to cool down. 

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