84. Sentimental Reasons

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                                                                                       One Year and A Day Later


Ashley POV

Trauma is a funny thing. The road to recovery is long but it is not steady, you run and go further then find yourself walking and turning back. Confusion is a friend in recovery but you have to leave friends behind, you learn lessons in every journey and I didn't die on the way to the end. I came out stronger. A better business owner, mother, friend, lover, sister and fighter all because of it. 

One year our daughter has spent here on this planet with us, a full trip around the sun. It is more than any of us could have asked for, Sunday fills our days with wonder and laughter, she has made me learn new things about being a mother, her mother more importantly. Everyone here loves her, her siblings keep her from being too curious for a baby and protect her with their lives.

Some blue days, earlier this year I battled with postpartum depression, unable to be the mother he always needed, Virginia was more apparent in my baby blues, it was par the course of losing a child and gaining another, though I never blamed Sunday for my bad days and never put her in any harm, she would come and remind me that my days would turn happy and proud again after one spout after the other. Eliza may be the greatest reminder of all, but her determination and willingness in physical therapy proved that the worst of us could make it through the storm, we don't stay down for long. 

And with the baby, she began to walk too. They were both struggling, wobbling, falling down, and getting back up with fits of laughs and frustration. It isn't the same experience as everyone else when you help your baby walk for the first time and your wife joins in. And now Eliza has it down to using her canes, of course, her being who she is they came in different styles, bedazzled, printed, metallic, beautifully sculpted, and crafted canes. But her also being who she is, each of her canes kept a sword inside of each one. Eliza wouldn't take any more chances to protect herself and our family anymore, she was almost too serious and for that I was grateful. I learned never to complain anymore about the people keeping us safe and to appreciate that help, to re-appreciate the lover I had that would keep our lives as long as they could be. 

I love her for it. 

Eliza may never be able to run again but none of it matters because three months ago I made my vow to always care for her. Three months ago we remarried and our life is better that way, we never could stay apart. There would always be some part of me that goes back to her, that forgives the bad things she has done, even if it took twenty more years to get there, we come alive around one another. History is ugly that way. 

The wedding was a small affair: Our children, our family, friends and respective teams of people who keep our social media appearances, hair and make-up. After that we spent an entire month alone on our island in the Serenas back in marital bliss, reconnecting and exploring our boundaries of a healthy marriage. After we felt we were where we need to be, we had an even more intimate ceremony performed on the island, right at dusk. What better way to recommit ourselves to the lifestyle? We finally figured out after eleven years of trial and error what rules, limits and rewards worked best.

The sun began to rise, a glint bouncing off the collar in the reflection of the titanium. 

"Ashley?" Eliza called. 

I lock my eyes to hers for the rest of our ceremony, not once leaving her tiger-like Amber eyes. "Yes, Mistress?" 

"These twelve odd years I have spent with you and each day, even in our darkest times and the following ones apart you have been nothing short of generous when I did not deserve it. For you have shown me true love in service, you have set the standard, and time and time again have set the example of a willing submissive and wife. A lot of people would think those things are one in the same and they are wrong. My every order given has never not been fulfilled. My heart is never empty. My thirst was never found. I want to do everything in my will to never lose you. To never again become unworthy of your body, heart and your service to me. I propose that with your consent you spend the rest of your life in service to me, honestly, I cannot see my days going without you anymore."

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