30. It Ain't Backwards On This Side

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Eliza POV

Find some inner peace

"I do," I said. 

"I do," Ashley declared. 

And just like that, she became my wife, she would be mine and I would be her's, I would never need anyone again for my days to come. I stared into her green eyes, forgetting to kiss her to seal the deal. I love her something terrible, an awful lot, this girl. "this is the part where you kiss me," she reminded me, giggling innocently. "oh, right," I kissed her, like it was the last time I was ever going to get. 

"Kiss me again," she pleads. Anything for her. "again," she cried out. In front of everyone, I did. "another," her voice changed to something more urgent, more unlike her. 

"This is the part where you tell me you love me," she said.

"I love you Ashley," I hugged her. 

"But you don't love me," I pulled back from her, it wasn't even her anymore. 


"You can't ignore me," she said. 

She's not her. She's not my wife, and she'll never be. She couldn't replace Ashley. "bring her back! Now, right this instant!" I demanded.

Lita was calm in her composure, "I can't do that Liz,"

"Go away!" I pushed Lita and yet she wasn't budging. "please, go away!" I urged her. 

She had this simple smile on her face as if satisfied with ruining my life. I walked away when I saw that she wasn't simply going to go away or bring back my wife. She stayed here, getting closer to me without so much as moving her feet, her smile grew wider. "I'm here to stay," Lita giggled. 

It was too late when Lita had stalked me off a step and I had fallen backward, hitting my head on another step, it didn't stop there; I fell down a flight, screaming as the falling seemed forever. She chased me, in her attempts to save me. My worse nightmare. Being saved.

"Go away, go away, go away!" I shout. 

I could feel her shaking me, "Liz, Liz, wake up!" it seemed more real as I woke up from my dream, my slip clinging to my skin and nearly drenched, my real hair had curled up from the moisture and straightened hair matted together. 

"Go away!"

"Mistress please!" Lita begged. 

I woke up to Lita next to me, a troubled and upset face, her heart was devastated for me. "you had a bad dream Mistress," she told me. I nodded. 

"Go back to sleep," I demanded. 

"What was it about?" Lita persisted.

I only like to say things once. I told her to go back to sleep. "when I say something, you do it, got it?" She nodded. "good, go get the flogger."

Lita sprung out of the bed, her dress flowing behind her and hair flowing down her back to her bottom. I got out of bed myself, pulling the lamp switch, lighting up just enough of the room. Her eyes cast down when she returned with a flogger in hand, knowing what she had done as if she were some saddened puppy about to get the rolled newspaper. "Mistress I didn't mean to disobey you," she whispered.

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