Roman's Revenge- Outtake 1

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Here is a scene that didn't make the cut due to poor writing. This is barely edited alone, enjoy.


With her smaller frame above mine, feeling like a slab or dry clay over my body I pet her hair, to coaxing her and slowing her tears. I felt cold, mentally, being nude in the all-white bed in my panties and her stark nakedness clashing over me. Her head rested between my arm, underarm and right breast, she was too quiet. Ashley's hair cascaded down my neck, splaying over my collarbones and chest. I could barely hear her breathe, I could only watch her as she looked out the window, absentmindedly. 

I had my wife with me at this moment in my arms and this is how we were spending our time heartbroken. Strangely enough, enwrapped in our own nudity and warmth I felt the most sensual and happiest I've been in a while. Ashley's tears run sideways from her tiger-green eyes and stain my breast. "ma cher, talk to me," I plead. 

The primal need to hold her even tighter to me and protect her had flourished inside of me, I felt like little girl slipping away in the midst of my grasp. I was also uncomfortable and scared, scared of her fragility, she could break away from me in any moment and lash out and there was nothing I could do about that. Ashley fed off of me, my clear torment. Knowing my life without her would be a corpse walking in the pools of fame and luxury and what life was that? If I was just a shell? Lita bought me pride but my wife bought me the passion for everything in the world and that she had given everything she had to give. 

I cradled my wife's head, bringing her close to me. 

Even the pain she was causing me back I could not find it in me to protest her rights or deny her anything as I bought shame to our once radiant marriage. If any wanted anything from me now what would I say? I was tired of dodging her and our children as well. She and they could cause me all the pain they pleased to and I would take it, knowing my faults. There are no mistakes I made, only bad striding choices against the future I was walking to. 

I grasped her blonde tresses in my long legged fingers, weeping, "please!" I begged. Mercy  . . .

However, Ashley ignored me, the same way I ignored her when I didn't show her an ounce of mercy. This had to stop somehow. I continued to pet her and after a while more of the stressful silence she spoke. "okay, okay," she lifted her head with the look of wonder spread across her face. I knew that look; she was up to no good. I should have just continued in silence and said nothing. 

My girl in wonder is worse than my wife in pain, the difference between these two women in one was one is devious and one is tranquil, still. "this doesn't even compare to what you did, how would you like to get fucked in the ass?" Ashley asked. 

I thought about it, not for long. "okay, do it."

- - -

I bent myself over the bed,  physically and emotionally preparing myself, with my head resting on top of a pillow as she was strapping herself up. Anxiety filled my stomach, weakening me and my inner thighs, but ready for my punishment; I heard the clicking of the harness. "you don't get the luxury to be over the bed or have your head on a pillow, I didn't have that luxury when you raped me on a wall . . . hard and cold," 

Ashley gave me a morbid image upon what she just said. She snatched me by my forearm and threw me over the desk until my head bobbled onto the desk, once, making me a hint dizzy in the head. The desk is hard and cold, like the way I was with her. I stayed very still in the attempts of silencing nausea in my head, anxiety and Ashley's anger. She spat over my behind, the saliva fell into my entrance and it wasn't enough lubrication. I knew I wouldn't be able to take her or the dildo at that. She chooses the biggest one in our collection, it was humanely large at that.

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