20. Long Time, No Fucks Given

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We are at our 20th chapter! Can I get a clap clap please?! *shivers* every time I think of "clap clap" In think of Chlymidia. The fuck?

Eliza POV

I came home, I was in my house and first thing I noticed -- or first person I noticed had been Alan, best friend and my sister's husband. "Al" I spoke, making my presence clear. 

He stood. Alan didn't give me his usual crooked smile and a warm hug. Instead, his face was in a tight-assed grimace and he closed in on me as if he was in the interrogation room. "Eliza." his voice was rock hard and full of disappointment. His chest heaved up and down. Alan was uneasy; he loved me so much and the news didn't make anything okay to swallow by looking at me. I almost thought he might pass out with all the uneasiness that swelled through my brother. 

I want to hug him. "Alan please don't you start as well, I fucked up and I am going to work on it with her once she gets back home, trust me on this--"

"Joss!" Alan's voice echoed through the house calling my sister. 

My sister's heeled clank through the house as she exited the kitchen and past the sunroom to the living room. She looked like she wanted to kill me as well. She just came to her husband, under his arm as he wrapped it around her waist, Joss felt just as uneasy as Alan did and she needed the support from the hell I caused our family. "welcome home Eliza."

I wasn't welcomed in my own home that much I know. "hug me please. You're my sister, you're my brother in law-- please don't make me a stranger!" my voice broke midway as I needed nothing more than to tear up now. They threatened to come to my eyes. 

"Yeah well we have a sister too and you treat her like shit, when she comes home I expect nothing more than her to take the kids and leave you." Josslyn spat. "however sick I may be of you, I am a Robinson and that means we love each other no matter what fucked up shit we do to each other so come here, quick before I snag your neck, you bitch."

I should have stayed at the hotel like I said I would. Fuck. Too late. 

I took all of what I could get by the Robinson bond and made myself as welcomed as possible between my twin and her husband. This lasted a moment before I could feel their breathing become unsteady. "I am going to go to bed, its been quite the night and I need to lay down." first I needed to see the kid before I could get some shut eye. 

My sister and her husband awkwardly smile at me before I settle my bags on the floor and leave them. "we're still staying the light. We will sleep in the guest house and see you for breakfast."

I nodded. "goodnight you guys." I take my heels off and walk up the stairs and then to the right, the West wing of the house where the kids stay. I go to the girl's room first and see them fast asleep. I almost forget the feeling of what it is like to see them asleep but this time our three daughters are sleeping together in the same bed instead of their separate beds. This only happened when Ashley was gone and it wasn't very often that it was. They spooned each other so tight.

On the side table, there was a copy of "Corduroy."  I read this to them one time too many. They looked so peaceful and I felt my presence is a disturbance so I kept my time in here short and kissed their heads. I went back to the room but an innocent, monotone voice interrupted me as I reach for the knob. "mama?" the child stirred from her sleep. It was the favorite one, Ashley's favorite. I had no favorites of course.

"Go back to sleep Dallas," 

"You won't leave us again will you?" she sat up in the bed while her sisters stayed asleep. Dallas rubs her eyes and the fact that she asks me this . . . it hurts more than anything in the world. 

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