16. Diamonds And Pearls pt. 1

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Omfg this chapter is longer thank Shaq's dick!

Eliza POV

You're going to see her soon. Was going to see her soon. I hesitated anyway to see her because once I told her there would be no bigger wrath. Not even mine was as big as her's. I could see her now, she's cut off both my hands so that I was so longer a successful woman and then take all my money from me. I don't mind it either.

But here I was dressing my lover, fitting her dress and making sure everything was perfect. "you look ravishing in my designs my love." I tell her, complimenting her in the lofty gown. The salmon pink and gold lacings with the satiny brocade flourished the glow on her skin. 

"Thank you," she whispered; still sensitive to yesterday afternoon's fiasco. I looked down at the dress in shame as I mended together the dress. The ruffles need to be more spaced apart, it didn't look right and the waist needed to be cinched together. 

"Are you eating properly?" I asked. "just because you are a model does not mean you should starve."

I could feel her eyes burning down into my scalp. "I am eating just fine Ms. Robinson," she replied.

I didn't know whether to be turned on by her calling me by my professional name or to take it in a way of her slighting me. She leaned down and placed her palm on my shoulder. "don't touch me unless you want me to take my belt off gal." my French Creole accent poked out behind my adopted New York accent. She took heed my warning and stood upright. 

"Will you personally make me a dress if I asked? You said I could ask for anything I wanted."

Did she want something more than her sex change? A dress? It would take just as much time as to make her a dress than for the time it took for her surgery and recovery let alone. "I did say anything, I will give you anything. Ask and it will be your's, my love."

"Everything is a transaction, I mind as well get over it." 

"You don't have to explain, just tell me Lita."

"I want a white dress, sheer- white with feathers, diamonds, pearls and loops with the back closure, long sleeves and a high neck, I want it to be very beautiful and blue! I want specks of blue. Do you think you could sew me a pond in my dress? I want flowers and whatnot. Do you think you can do that for me?"

I looked up at her, raising my eyebrows and scoffed. "who do you take me for? I am Eliza Robinson I have designed plenty of dresses for royalty, A-List celebrities, myself and my wife and now you. I can make you the dress of your dreams."

She gave me bleak details but I knew how I would make the dress for Lita. Why did she want the dress, it was beyond me. I knew she'd look beautiful in it. "of course. You're right."

I got finished making a few touches. Later on I'd have the team of seamstresses fix up the edit of the dress. I ruched together a few ruffles at the hem of the dress, pleated the abdomen and brought in the waist. The hardest part about making dressed was their shoulder area. I never was good with shoulder lines but I managed to pin back the material of the dress to reveal her shoulders a bit more. I played around with the cape. It needed to be taken in as well, it was too long and not wide enough. 

When I was done with her dress she played with spun around with her dress on the stand, looking in the mirror. She knew what would happen while I finished up. She wanted to get punished by me. I wanted to tear the dress I worked so hardly on, off of her. "get in the fucking closet, now!" I roared. 

Lita jumped, giggling. She walked off to the closet where the other fitted dresses were, "Mrs. Robinson are you done for the day?" my fellow seamstress asked; she had been sewing together some appliques on the pants of my male model. He looked over and smirked at Lita. Lita exchanged the look with him. 

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