70. I Don't Want You, I Want Revenge pt. 2

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Originally I was going to name this chapter "A World Full of Killers" but no. Maybe for another one after this plot is finished. Also warning: You'll need a soft tissue, you might cry. 

Noah POV

Mama. Mother. Mamo. Hear me. God so help me. So help Jean, God so help her. My girl, soon my sister. My life. My sister, my love, my enemy, my madness and my sanity. Brothers, support, suppress, and sufferers of every manly thing. Blood covered my hands, sticky and drying. The smell of copper assaults my senses and it is all I can see, for once there isn't a trace of blue. It is all red. Red human blood. I take a little lick of the blood that once was seeping all over the floor, the taste of power is now bestowed to me. "Hmm," I moan. 

"Noah, we have to leave." She says. 

Had I known our little world would come crashing down I would have worn the golden armor given to me. But I didn't. Imperius Rex. It'll be my world to uphold. 

But first, let's go back. 


Thirty minutes earlier. . .

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. That is what my mother told me after she ended our call and said she would be expecting us. Jean and I sat in the car together in the back where we held hands and I could not keep my eyes off of her, the absolute beauty she is. The sun. This time her dress was perhaps brighter than her, it enhanced the coquette-like charm and features she naturally had. 

For once her father was not the driver, but the passenger. Her father and my adopted mother sat in the middle section of the car holding hands as well. The engagement ring on my mother's winked at us back and forth as the street light came in past the window. The two looked at each other with love and hope, a sense of innocence they held for one another. Countless times today all three of my mothers had told me how proud they were of me, and how loved I am. 

It mattered a lot to me. "Do you love your dress?" I asked Jean once again. I am sure she was annoyed with me by now how many times I had asked her this entire evening and afternoon but I just had to be assured she was not only saying that to keep my feelings from being hurt. "is it comfortable?" 

An agitated huff releases from Jean's mouth. "For the very last night, yes I love the dress and I wouldn't lie about it. It is everything and more. I couldn't have asked for a better designer. In fact, it is very comfortable, so please, stop asking me, Noah."

"I just want you to be happy, is that so ard to understand? Tonight is a very sp--"

"Special night. Yes, yes, yes." Jean mumbled over me. 

I chuckle bitterly and sit back in my chair more comfortably now that I had been reassured of Jean's comfort and how she loved her dress. Eliza said that one way through a woman's heart is the details in a dress, she knew better than anyone else. 

"It never gets any easier each time I do this, being a passenger instead of a driver. You help me though, I couldn't imagine a better night with my soon-to-be stepson," Ansel told my mother. 

"I love you." My mother tells him.

We arrive at the carpet, my heart suddenly lurches to my throat. I take the moment to remember this night is owed to me, I deserve to be here and I will take every single victory in my work alongside my mother and although I am nervous it does not compare to everything I have to be proud of. I am still a child--A boy, at that, anything I do will be excused according to my age and perceived innocence. If I should fall one of my mothers will catch me. 

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