55. Here For A Good Time, Not A Long Time

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Two weeks after Thanksgiving

Eliza POV

"Where are you going, Eliza?"

Not this shit again. Not while I have a mission to follow through, vengeance to exact my damn self with my sister who was the only one who was going to help me get the job done. I had not a clue what to do when it came to murder or exacting it and this was not the kind of distraction I needed. To think about it. . . I've never killed anyone before. Joss makes it seem fun but that is only because she is a naturally unhinged bitch. 

Lita was trying to pull at my duffle bag but failed to do so when my hold on the bag was much stronger than hers. "Please stop, do not make a fool of yourself, love," I warned her.

Josslyn was in the corner, waiting for us with a  bag of her own by her feet and her arms crossed. "You're an embarrassment, don't add salt to the wound. we have somewhere to be. After all, where do you have to go? You're just another pretty face, so sit down and shut the fuck up, will you?" Joss spoke, lighting a joint from her jacket pocket. 

While it was likely for Joss to be disturbed by Lita's presence, there was something underlying Joss' anger today, her readiness for a mission that didn't quite pertain to her, this was as easy as stomping on an ant. I came to her side at once, ignoring a whimpering Lita, "What's wrong, Joss?" I asked. 

She shook her head quickly. She knew perfectly that there was no reason to lie to me, no reason whatsoever to hold up any walls or make up stories, I knew my twin sister well enough that when something was wrong she would get very snappy about the most minute of things. Whereas I completely just forgot about them and ignored them until things went my way. "nothing," Josslyn shrugs her shoulders and lets out a puff in my direction, rudely.

I grabbed her chin in my hand, forcing her to look at me. "Now you know that won't fly with me, tell me what is going on, we are not about to spend a five-hour flight to Korea in a plane only for you to be a whiny mess during our mission. We will get this resolves right here and right now."

It is rare when it occurs but for the first time in a long, long time, Josslyn sheds a tear. She doesn't cry and maybe never will, that poor crazy woman but she shows her humanity at it's core with me. "Lita?"

"Yes, Mistress?" 

"Don't stay here tonight." I say in a calm and cool tone. 

Before she can speak out in protest, opening her mouth she stops herself in her tracks, remembering her place and our relationship. "Yes, Mistress," her voice breaks. 

Now that it is just my sister and me, in the foyer, she takes a deep breath and begins a full chest racking sob, looking towards the staircase where there is no one standing. "Oh God! Oh God!" Josslyn breaks down. 

It is worse than I thought. "What happened? Did mama tell say something about your work again? Vera taunt you?" I was searching for everything that could be wrong.

"No!" she cried out, shakily inhaling from her joint again.

"What is it, ma chere?" 

"He and I are fighting, for the first time in forever and I can't seem to forgive him, he said something so terrible, Eliza and I can't find a way to forgive him and it hurts. He is my husband, I love him or loved him. I hate him so much right now and I can't stand this. My skin is about to break out in hives because of this-- the stress. Why? Why would he do this to me? His wife? His partner?"

"Joss-- Josslyn, honey what did he say to you?"

"I can't even repeat it. . . I just want to go on this mission and then lay down, can we do that?"

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