54. Hang In There, Baby pt. 2

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Eliza POV

I stood, pacing in the waiting room for what seemed to be like forever, tedium was reigning from head to toe. We'd only been here nothing more than five minutes but we were put in a time-sensitive situation and I knew that all this pacing was making her nervous, but she is pregnant. My wife is pregnant. . . Once-a-fucking-gain and at the cost of it being out of my control. Again. How many more men would have to pollute my wife when inseminating her for her to finally get it: Take your damned birth control on time and we won't have this problem?

Soon she would grow big with God knows how many children. I was hoping on just the one if she decided she still wanted to keep it. She could change her mind but it wouldn't be likely, due to her wanting to have a huge family. I won't lie, imaging her pregnant belly does turn me on some, something about her waddling around, sensitive, emotional, glowing, and radiant with mostly joy in her heart and being unable to shave her cunt for the four to five months leading up to her pregnancy gets me off. She would basically rely on all of us, some. I was so surprised by her strength when she carried her first pregnancy, so well, without me, without anyone really, and did all that she had done. 

"Robinson?" I heard a voice call, immediately my head snaps to it. There is a blonde and silver-streaked woman in a white silk top and purple pencil boucle skirt that calls to us, with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes, she looks anxious. 

"Yes," I take Ashley's hand to help her stand up knowing full well she could on her own, she scowls at me and I glare at her shortly before calling my attention to the doctor. "thank you for making time for us, doctor."

"It is my pleasure, your family is one of the most prestigious, when a Robinson comes calling to your office, it is not an offer to turn down. So we're seeing you, today?" The doctor asks, turning to Ashley who is standing behind me, nervous and no doubt feeling like she would want to regress in little space right now to take her mind from all of the tension.

"There is nothing to be shy about, talk to her, she won't bite, will you Doctor?" I jest with the good doctor and pressed my left hand firmly at the small of Ashley's back. "I will be there with you."

Ashley's lips quivered and that is when I knew. "O-Okay."

"Doctor Ellis, you just don't know what a God-send you are, we really needed this appointment."

"No big deal, like I said, it is my pleasure," Doctor Ellis walks us through the office, to the back into her exam room, where there is nothing but glass facing the view, I can see the whole city and the rest of the room is painted salmon pink, it almost calming, even as the area outside is painted murky with grays and blues, as rain is approaching us. The pitter-patter sounds of the rain across the window should calm her down. "so, today I will conduct a pelvic exam, we will do a rapid blood test, finally sonogram to see the little bean-- since your test did confirm you are pregnant, right?"

"Right." I answered.

"Good, then we will give you all five shots of important vitamin and calcium boosters, all the necessary things you need for your first three weeks of pregnancy from this point on. I will suggest, every month on this day-- The uhm. . . 18th? Yeah, that you come in and get your shots to promote health in both you and the baby."

"Are there any side effects?" I asked.

"To vitamin shots? Goodness, no. If anything she may feel a little dizzy from the rush of them all in her system at once if she isn't already taking her vitamins daily, otherwise she will be okay. Please, at any moment feel free to take off your clothes and put these on and we will get started. Also the windows are tinted, no one can see inside." 

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