49. Denial

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Another mature chapter. Warning: dubious consent, non-consensual.  This is your chance to run but I'm pretty sure you're not gonna wanna run even if you tried. 

Ashley POV

Over the next day, Eliza had stayed away from me keeping a far distance but also did not flaunt her affections for Eliza, for which I was so grateful. Deep down it hurt me because I hadn't admitted it but it was all there, in the way that I came for her, interact with her, made love with her, that I loved her and still do; but I did not have it in me to tell her, to want her again in that way, to open myself up to her. 

I wasn't strong enough for a lot of things when it came to her. But I could not stand this distance, her shutting me out, she would barely look at me if not for the fact that when we were in an activity together with our family or when I would look at her to see if she was looking at me and so when I looked for her she looked only because I looked at her. I wanted us to be alright after all that we did together the other night. 

Eliza had spent so much energy loving me that entire night all for her to be like this. . . It didn't make sense. Maybe I wanted the attention. Or maybe I wanted more. It wasn't possible anyhow. I couldn't do that to Matthew and Corvina. I just couldn't. 

The table was awash with silence; forks scraping against plates and the kids talking amongst each other. I wanted to scream. She was yo-yo-ing me. Eliza. I chant in my head. "Is everything okay, baby?" Matthew asks me. 

I nod and scoop my eggs together. "I am fine. Just affected by my period is all." the fact is: my period went off this morning. My blood lessened hours ago last night and I thought maybe my period had just gone lighter but it shut off. I am pretty sure now that I am older I would go from a seven day to now a four day. It was a little concerning for its abruptness but also a blessing, I wouldn't have to deal with pads and tampons for the whole week from now on. 

They wouldn't have known since we hadn't had sex before I went to be with Eliza. I felt extremely lucky for it too; I felt a little guilty being touched by them in any sexual manner since her. The worst part was my skin didn't feel dirty when I was with Eliza, I felt renewed. 

"We packed Tylenol," Matthew offered. 

"I'm not in pain," I said to him. 

"Okay, honey," Corvina says, patting my shoulder. "we can do anything you want today, Eliza said there aren't any activities today." there was a sudden change of plans? Why?

"Did she have any reason why?" I asked. 


I nodded, continuing to eat. I felt a wave of fatigue come over me and yawned. "I think I will lay down now-- you two shouldn't wait up."

They looked at one another and then back to me. "alright sweetheart, we will miss you." Matthew said. 

"Do you want us to at least walk you back before we go explore the other side of the island?" Corvina asked.

"Yeah sure," I agreed. 

They smile at me and kissed me. 


We returned to our quarters of the bungalow. "will that be all? Sure you don't want to come with us," Matthew asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," I told him.

"Okay sweetheart."

When they left I began to take my clothes off until I was stripped bare and wet, apparently. I checked myself, collecting a copious amount of my juices and rubbing them together through my fingers. "jeez," I scoffed.

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