21. There But Not Here

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Ashley POV

Fuck. . . Fuck you, fuck you. . . Yeah, fuck you. 

God damn bitch. You know what your problem is? I love you and I can't stop. I don't want to be mad at you. I don't want to hate you but I motherfucking do. You needed me! You need me and you don't see that shit. Fuck you. 

Her eyes peer into me at the entrance, looking at my long face. Don't look at me, no one told you to look at me.  "what?" I snapped, turning around to look back. Why do you have to look like you care?

"I love you is all and I see I fucked up. I fucked up your trust." we stand at the front of the dance room hand in hand. I look down at our hands. We're supposed to be a loving couple, that's what it looks like.

"Sure you did-- now can we please go in?"

"Yeah but we really need to talk after this like I said."

"Whatever, E,"


The benefit starts, so far we're all getting along but it wouldn't be a school function if I didn't have a gaggle of moms run up and ask me questions. Eliza was talking to the board of directors, smoothly working them off their asses. "Ashley!"

Oh God. "Karen!" the big boobed brunette bitch came in for a hug. "oh! we're hugging? Okay." I awkwardly laughed as she hugged me but her laugh was just as evil as could be behind that snobby tone of her's. Karen was full on PTA, full on housewife and had a million little secrets. I could smell Brad Pillock's cologne all over her and now transferring it to me like an STD. Ew. 

"How are you and Eliza holding up? Did you know Georgia is an enigma? We just adore watching her play soccer during gym."  This cunt actually watches my child play soccer at gym? Then just spouts out the point of how good my daughter is at soccer while I am working as if I am too busy for my own kids. Oh, and to ask me about my wife and I? The nerve of this cunt. I could lash her a new bloody skin with one of the whips in the playroom. 

Softly I pulled away from her so I could serve her a cold dish and see the look on her pitiful face. 

"My wife and I are lovely, she's in New York for our business, we have to keep this school afloat somehow right?" I snickered. That's right you bum whore, my money keeps this school going. We have two new buildings in our name. Eliza has a separate wing all for design and an adult art class for middle schoolers where I teach on Wednesday nights. The school mooches off of us so much that Karen shouldn't whisper a word about my contribution to the kids. "how is little Timmy Jr. ? Is his leg well in recovery after that tragic accident during break time?" 

Her face curled into a distasteful frown. "he's . . . fine, Tim Jr.  is great . . ."

"and your husband?" I poked. "your marriage must be on the hill above us poor folks just scraping by. Did you know that Brad Pillock is dropping his position as co-coach? It's really sad he's not going to be around anymore to teach our kids a thing or two . . . Even us parents need some teaching." I giggled, patting her shoulder. 

Karen's face turned to Beet red. "i-i-is that s-so?" she asked. 

A copper-toned arm wrapped around my waist. "it is Karen, do you need a tissue?" Eliza asked, pulling a tissue from her purse. "you're all red honey! I can recommend you, my dermatologist, he does the wife and I wonders but of course, I don't need him that often. Black doesn't crack sweetie. Babe don't you think she could use our dermatologist, give her the card for Dr. Lullier."

I held the same hand Eliza had over my waist and I smiled. I took out a small card from my purse. "he's a miracle worker. You seem like you could need one, Sugar. But even without him, I see all the beauty in her." I kissed Eliza on the lips intensely and deep; I even moaned. When I pulled away we were both breathless. "but we don't have anything compared to what you and Tim senior have, is just magical. Where is that magic man of yours?"

"Yeah, Karen, where is he? That magical handsome husband of yours?"

Karen was ready to fall to dust if Eliza and I jabbed at her one more time. We looked around and shrugged our shoulders. "not anywhere to be found, oh well maybe later we'll see you two together." I said. I knew Tim senior was in Tahiti. "have a goodnight Karen!" 

Eliza and I walked away from a now newly destroyed Karen. "that was amazing!" Eliza squealed. 

"Well couldn't have finished it without you, that kiss was perfect," I said. The kiss was almost real, almost meaningful. 

"Yeah, it was. . ." we walked to the food table where there was a lot of treats and good food. I took a glass of champagne from a server at the table and a brownie. "do you think we could sit together? Or stay together I think it would stop the board from mooching off of me time and time again and I really think it's --"

"Sure Eliza,"

"We have to make it look real like we're in love, you know?" her voice was full of fear and excitement. I knew she wasn't trying to put on a show. 

"Yeah, I know." I snapped. I hated snapping at her, I didn't want to be mean. It wasn't in my DNA and it is her, Eliza of all people. My wife. The love of my life. The reason I do the things I am not supposed to do. The reason I have my kids and strive on. The reason I'd kill forty-five men just to get to her but she did something unforgivable, she violated me. She violated my trust and my perception of who I knew she was. 

She swished her glass of wine around looking in the pale yellow reflection. "I am sick, there is something very wrong with me," she was about to cry. No. Not now, not here.

"Just an hour ago you told me to get my shit together now you fall apart on me but I need you to keep it together until later can you do that for me?" I asked, looking into her shady, nearly pitch black eyes. 

"I can only wait for so long until I tell you what's really going on."

After hearing this the suspense would last for hours until I could finally get to the bottom of what is going on with my wife and why she claimed she was so sick when she looked fine. Eliza was the perfect picture of health and every thought ran in my mind of what could be going on. But it gave me hope that this answer would give me peace of mind. Because I loved her and I still want to be with her. I want to help her out and let her know nothing could end us and whatever the bad news was, we'd get over it. The happiness had to continue and the madness about us had to be over. I was so ready to forgive her and just fuck her brains out like we used to, let last night's little dalliance be forgotten. 


Short chapter, weirdest flex ever but I did say I would update. I am in a lot of pain and with my acrylic nails its been harder to type and get these chapters out. I am getting them taken off soon. Forgive me for how short this is. 

I love you all. 

*unlimited hugs*

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