Flyers and Posterboards

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TW: Little Talk Of Abuse

Crutchie POV
It was boring at the hospital all day. I couldn't do anything but watch tv, play on my phone, and read. And I know that sounds fun to many it was not to me. The doctors came in and detached all the wires, so now I could move freely. Well, mostly freely on account of my leg and arm. The cast was very bulky and stupid. The only time it was fun was getting my friends to sign it.

One thing I hadn't mentioned, to the doctors or my friends, was my dad. I hadn't heard from him in all the time I had been here, but I know he will not be pleased. When I go home he will probably beat me up. I shook the thoughts away and focused on the time.

"Now!" I said as it turned to 3:15. The bell should have rung just then, so my friends were going to be out of theatre class and school for the week. Only the first week of school has gone by? Wow, so much has happened someone could write a fan fiction about it. A doctor made her way into the room.

"Charlie?" She asked, and I nodded. "We just wanted to let you know that you will only be spending three more days here. We will give you pain killers for when you go home, and you will want to take two a day. You also need to be careful not to open up any stitches, although after about two weeks they should dissolve and only leave a scar." I smiled and thanked her.

I will get to go home! Oh no, I get to go home. I just realized what this meant. I debated with myself on wether I should tell Jack or Spot or Elmer or someone. I decided against it for now, but made a pact with myself. If he hurts you bad enough you open your stitches, you WILL tell someone. And you won't be a burden because of it. I told myself, repeating it in my head a little.

Soon the gang got here and we just hung out. We talked, mostly about the auditions and whose going and how the rally planning is going.

"What are we going to do after the rally, if it don't work?" Race asked. This brought us to silence, we hadn't thought of that.

"We could do a sit-in, in one of the classrooms." Specs proposed.

"That ain't bad, somebody write that down." Jack said, and we laughed a little.

"That would work, it would be peaceful and get our point across. AND we could get all the clubs and sports to join, they can't ignore that." Katherine added excitedly.

"BUT." Albert started.

"But what?" I asked.

"But what about football. We just need them to join and everyone else will, but they haven't joined yet. Our 'rally' is going to have two clubs/sports." Albert put air quotes around 'rally'. We all turned to Spot and he sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

"I mean, I could try to win them over. They'se want to know we won't quit with just one push." He explained.

"We won't though!" Romeo argued. Spot shrugged.

"I've told them that, and they say they don't think we will."

"How can we prove it to them?" Davey asked.

"We could try to do something before the rally," Finch suggested. "Maybe something small, but big enough to get attention and maybe get Pulitzer to try and stop us." Then the idea hit me.

"Can't we just advertise? Like with posters and flyers. Those are already annoying, and if they are AGAINST Pulitzers rules, that will make him want to take them down even more." I suggested. The gang mulled it over a little.

"That could work, it gets the word out, shows we won't quit, and will get under Pulitzers skin," Jack agreed. Murmurs of agreement were heard thought the group.

"The posters and flyers could be designed by Jack because he can draw," Davey proposed, to which Jack blushed a little.

"And we can hand 'em out and hang 'em up before, during, and after school." Spot joined in. We all nodded, smiling and working out the last few details. The plan was coming together, and it looked beautiful.

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