Chapter 1 - A new beginning

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In Darklands, the giant Volcano Palace, began its morning ritual of grinding the interior of the volcano's rocks. The refreshing lava began to sizzle hot, the gears jingled, the rocks broke and all other types of commotion started the day. It was 8:30 on the spot and Bowser was awake.

The mighty king opened his eyes and smiled. Hearing the sweet melody of Volcano Palace and the perfectly functioning gears, they marked that a new day had really begun, that the world continued and that his kingdom was still one of the most powerful in the entire world. Bowser tossed the blanket and got off his bed. Koopa stretched out wide and gave a powerful yawn similar to a roar, causing him to finally wake up; going towards the shower, the king smiled when he heard the hot water falling and went towards it. The constant flow of movement and power, completely undisturbed for generations, continued to surprise him. What kingdom, besides his own, possessed wealth and military power like his own, nothing and no one would dare go against his powerful army, the only thing he had not yet conquered was Mushroom Kingdom.

As he felt the steaming water flow over his body and through red hair. Bowser thought about the latest events, even with all the effort to kidnap Peach and force a marriage, the result has always been as expected. Mario intrudes and spoils everything, although Peach denied it in the end, the King of Darklands knew that both were together again, while he had wanted to be with the princess for months.

Leaving the shower, Bowser concentrated his energy as if to blow fire, he held the flame and successfully let all the water out of his body, taking advantage of the white mist, the king grabbed his freshly polished green shell, adorned with thorns, the got dressed and looked in front of the mirror. Mirror that had the shape of small replicas of yours, like those of other KoopaKings of the past; looking at his image and fixing his hair, the mighty king snapped his head, placed his bracelets on both arms and his choker.

Leaving his room, with firm and strong steps, the energy of Volcano Palace matched the powerful vibrations of the most beloved King of Darklands, giving the impression that the world around him served his will. When walking through the corridors and stopping by a large black door on which he had his image engraved on the door in front of a banquet, the king could hear some voices behind that door, some loud and arrogant screams, an irritating hum and scratching and punching followed by some offenses. Tired of waiting for the shouting to end, the king opens the door announcing his presence, in which everyone in the main dining room notices that his leader has arrived.

"Daddy!" Bowser Júnior ran to his father and grabbed his leg.

"Hello, Junior," said Bowser sharply, and went to the large wooden table where five of Bowser's eight koopalings were seated. With all the Koopalings in attendance greeting his father, Bowser pulled out his chair and sat in his favorite spot, making everyone stop what they were doing. In response to his father's act, Bowser Júnior went up and sat in his own chair that was close to his father, who was his greatest hero and idol, making all his brothers also sit in their places.

"Where are your other brothers?" Bowser asked his children to note that not everyone had arrived, even with him already arriving.

"Larry must be drawing somewhere. Taking advantage of how you think this tune sounds, Dad? "Said Ludwig, Bowser's eldest son, who had crazy blue hair, was very smart and was passionate about music.

"It's great, Ludwig." Bowser said with a claw wave. Although Ludwig knew that his father was not paying attention, he smiled with pleasure and wrote down more notes.

"Where's Wendy at?"

"Painting yourself in the bedroom, as always". Said Lemmy, with his lazy eyes and rainbow hair.

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