Chasing a Friend Across the Auditorium

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TW: None that I know of (tell me if there ate any I missed)

Davey POV
I eagerly looked up when Medda said that. I had just been talking to one guy named Thomas, and he was really nice.

"Dear Evan Hansen!" She called out. Immediately people started clapping and excitedly talking. "Auditions will be next week!" She said then got off the stage. I turned to where Thomas and Elmer were still talking.

"I'm going to try out for Evan, it'd be so fun to play!" Thomas said, geeking out.

"I think I'll go for just an ensemble role," Elmer said with a shrug.

"I want to be Jared," I said. We kept talking, mostly about the songs we would audition to. I was going to with Wait For It, from Hamilton. Thomas said he would probably do Michael In the Bathroom, from Be More Chill. Elmer decided on Freeze Your Brain, from Heathers.

I heard that Jack was auditioning for Larry Murphy with the song Dancing Through Life, from Wicked. I'll ask the rest of the gang what they are trying out with later. I decided. The rest of the class was just talking, and some new techies getting used to the equipment. This ended up with the curtains being suddenly closed, the lights going out, and feedback from the microphone many times.

I thought back to lunch. Jack seemed better, more relaxed. I was happy for him. His face looked better relaxed. Wait. What did I just say?!

"Davey? Why are you staring at Ja- Oh My GOD!" Elmer suddenly said, snapping me out of my trance. I looked at him and Thomas, confused as to why they were freaking out.

"What?" I asked.

"You were staring at Jack for like, five minutes." Thomas said. The realization of what they meant hit me like a bus.

"No, no. No. NO. No I do not!" I said defensively.

"Suuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeee," Elmer laughed. I shot him a glare. Suddenly remembering something, I smirked.

"I could say the same to you about Crutchie." I quipped. He blushed and started stuttering,

"Uh w-what? No, I- no. I don't. We are just good, good friends!" He countered. I raised an eyebrow and Thomas looked like he was going to explode with glee.

"Oh my goodness! I have two more ships!" He squealed happily. Elmer and I both shot him a glare.

"Agree that we never talk of this?"

"Agreed. Thomas what about you?" I questioned.

"Fiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeeee," Thomas sighed a little sadly. "I won't tell anyone..." he paused and took a step away from us. "Except Joan!" Thomas said and sprinted away from us and towards Joan. This is how I ended up chasing Thomas around the auditorium for the entire rest of the period. Finally he gave up, well, more like Elmer blocked him and I tackled him to the ground. We both made sure he promised not to tell Joan or Talyn.

"Uh, are you guys okay?" Jack asked while walking up with Crutchie and Race. I nodded and let Thomas go. Thomas nodded too, still happy he had two more ships.

"Totally fine. I'm gonna go talk to my friends now. Bye!" Thomas said hurriedly and scurried off. I sighed in slight frustration.

"So what's was that abouts?" Race asked, eyeing Elmer and I. I shuffled my feet a little awkwardly, but Elmer jumped in.

"He said that Helpless was better than Burn. We argued against it, because Burn is WAY better, and I guess we got a little too threatening. He ran and we followed, us telling him Burn was better and him yelling at us that Helpless was." Elmer said easily. Crutchie snickered and Jack joined in after a second. I could see a faint blush on Elmer and I could bet that it was on my face too. Race looked a little more skeptical of our story but didn't push, at least for right now.

"You have a valid reason, Burn is much better." Crutchie agreed.

When fourth period ended, I met up with the rest of the gang near the auditorium doors. We walked over to room 103 and pushed the door open. I saw Mr. Denton looking at a piece of paper, frowning.

"Alright boys, and Katherine, please sit down. We need to go over the new rules Principle Pulitzer put up."

A/N: This was more of a filler to a more important chapter, just so ya know. Also I told you that the ship with Crutchie would rot your teeth out it was so sweet.

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