(14) Escape Gone Wrong

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Allison's P.O.V.

Chapter 14:

The silence in the air made my frustration grow. He wasn't speaking.

"Answer. Me." I demanded Luke. "What was that back there?"

"I...I can't tell you." He stuttered his face twisted in a grimace.

"Luke. Don't do that, not now." I say warningly.

He shook his head. "look, we've got to get out of here. Now. Then, I'll explain," Luke grabbed my hand, pulling me out of my room.

"Wait," I protested, pulling Luke's hand. He look at me impatiently, so I continued, "What about Alex?"

Luke looked at me in a way that made me feel like I had said something childish. "He's not "Alex", Allison. He's been playing you. And you fell right into his trap," Luke frowned, pulling me along the long halls.

I ripped my hand out his and we both came to an abrupt stop. "What are you talking about? Alex would never lie to me, I trust him." I crossed my arms across my chest in a sense of finality.

We were in the kitchen, and I could easily smell a few fresh bottles of animal blood in the fridge, but I ignored it and concentrated on Luke.

"Allison, I'm not asking you to come with me. I'm telling you. Lets go." Luke ordered, ignoring my restraint not to go with him and locking a steel hard grip on my wrist.

My mouth opened in surprised as he continued to drag me. I had never seen him this angry before. His eyes were glowing red and his words clearly stated "end of discussion".

Not liking it, but i followed him unwillingly. I guess it wasn't up for negotiation, so I shut my mouth and followed him out of the kitchen and down the stairs.

"what's your plan?" I ask with a frown.

"Well, while you were too busy staring at Alex the whole time during the meeting," He glanced at me in a way that a mother would her troublesome children. My frown increased. "I was actually looking for a way out. Turns out, there's a window down there that we can easily fit through."

"That's physically impossible. All of Damon's vampires are down there," I stated.

Luke rolled his eyes, obviously very impatient with me today. "They'll be easy to kill. The only reason they beat me the first time was because I was vulnerable and caught by surprise. So this time, they're going to be the surprised ones. We'll kill them silently, so Damon doesn't hear, and then we're out of here."

"Got it. So...how do we kill them?" I ask, slightly oblivious. I've never killed another vampire before.

This would be interesting.

"You need to listen to me first. I know you're soft, and you get angry with yourself if you so much as scratch someone, and you're going to have to get over that to get out of here. They're soulless monsters. All they do is kill. They deserve to die. So don't get all guilty. Anyways, it takes a lot of strength to kill a vampire. Burn them, something sharp in the heart and then...Well, you can twist their head off. Can you do that, Allison?" Luke asked, his words getting softer and softer.

"I can do it." I said with such confidence, it surprised Luke and myself. "I can." I assured him when he continued to stare at me with doubt.

"Ok. Before we go in promise me something," He frowned. I nodded. "Kill every, single, one without hesitation. Ok?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. Wasn't it obvious that I was going to...? Oh well. "Ok."

We opened the door finally, and everyone looked at us. My eyes turned red like it sensed I was about to go in vampire mode. I didn't hesitate, I ran towards a young and easy target with blonde hair, jumping on his back and taking his head in my hands.

I turned it until I heard a snap.

Feeling stronger now that I knew I could do this, I headed towards a burly one that was on his way to fight Luke. I swung my leg under his feet, making him fall towards and onto the ground. Chaos erupted behind me, vampires pulled at me for killing their friends, but I easily broke their arms. I don't know what kept me going. Probably the thought that Darin was someone beyond these walls, waiting for me.

I laid my boot on his neck. We both knew I could easily stomp on his neck with all my vampire strength, killing him instantly. But when I saw the terror in his eyes, I gave in a little. "You have a choice. Die, or  join Luke and I."

"I rather die." He spat out and I immediately crushed his head and held back vomit.

I killed vampire after vampire, they were all surprised by my strength. I was too. Here I was, a half-vamp, killing tons of full-vamps. Finally I got to Burnett. A smirk played its way on my lips.

He smiled cockily. "Evil becomes you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, my body posed in a position to strike.  "Becomes me?"

His smile didn't waver. "Come on, just kill me. But after this, you know you're going to have blood on your hands. So much blood can't washed off. Go ahead, kill me. But later on, you're going to be dying inside with guilt."

I shut my eyes. "You all to deserve die."

He laughed bitterly. "You lie and kill, because you say the people you killed are liars and killers. You may not want except it, but you and me are the same."

Anger welled up inside of me, coming to the point where I charged at him with all my strength, kicking him in the head.

His head fell to the ground, dispatched from his body.

I turned away in disgust and fear.

Somebody touched my elbow, and I quickly swung around and kicked them in the chest, knowing the impact would stop his heart.

But when I turned around I saw it was Alex.

With a huge, gaping, bleeding hole right where his heart was.

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