(6) Complicated Questions

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Luke was being...nice.

Could...could the potion be wearing off? Or maybe he's starting to like me again.


"Well, don't I deserve a thank you or something?"

Or...maybe not.

Theres that cocky Luke that I dont love.

I stop setting up and moving the rocks to make a bed. I glare at him and clench my hands into fists.

I walk up to him and smile sweetly. "Or something."

He shakes his head, smiling slightly. "You haven't changed. You're still as determined as you were when I tried to take you."

"I feel like I've changed." I look down at myself. My brown hair used to be below my shoulder, but now it was just above my waist. My blue eyes were cloudier and mire distant when I looked in the mirror at that store. I had changed physically.

He smiles slightly at me, the real Luke taking over him. "That's not what I meant. You're still as fiery as ever," He took my hand and put it over my heart. "It's here that's changed. You've been through alot, you're stronger and smarter."

He pulls away from me and lays down on the rocks.

After a while, he said something that surprised me. "I need Looper."

"Why?" I ask slowly, turning on my side to face him.

"He saved my life, Allison. I need to understand. At least I still have some of the men from there."

I flinched. People escaped? Are they going to finish what their boss started? "But.. Darin killed all your men..." I say hopefully.

When I see Lukes eyes darken, I know I said something wrong. Wow. Looper really did make Luke believe that him and his men were good. Luke probably worshiped Looper just like all the other men there.

I lean forward and put my hand on his shoulder. "Luke, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean..."

He shakes me off. "Goodnight, Allison."

Silence follows that. It feels slightly like a movie because the only thing we can hear is the crickets.

"Luke?" I say softly after I can't take the stupid silence any longer.

He sighs. "Yes?"

"I know Looper can't help you remember, but... I can."

He finally turns towards me again and searches my eyes with his strange silver-like ones.

"What do you have in mind?"

I almost laugh at the excitement on his face. He must be really lost.

"Well...we could do what Katniss does in The Hunger Games...?" I guess.

He looks at me, confused. "And what is that...?"

"She played the Real or Not Real game. You say a statement and I say Real or Not Real."

He shrugs. "Ok...You're wanted."

"Real." I say, sighing.

"Looper saved my life."

I hesitate. "Not real."

Shock registers on his face. "Looper and his men lied to me..." he seems to be asking himself.


"Darin is turning himself in... Real or not real?"

I cringe. "R-real."

He thinks for a moment, looking around.

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