(10) One Bloody "Princess"

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Chapter 10:  One Bloody "Princess"

Allison's P.O.V.

I flopped down on top of the bed and sighed. I was thinking about Darin and Alex. I kept trying to push Alex out of my head, but he kept coming back in uninvited.

"Allison?" I heard Luke ask.

I jumped up. "My name is Alyssa..." I twitched my eye at him, hoping no one heard.

"Oh, sorry, Alyssa." He said, an amused smile on his lips.

I fell back down on the bed and he fell next to me. I had decided not to tell Luke about the whole each vampire gets me for the whole day thing. He'd probably tear down this room.

"It's fine. Luke-"

Alex peeked his head through the door again. "I need Alyssa."

Luke looked ticked. "Um, why do you need her?"

"I just do," Alex snapped, his eyes flaring under his hoody. He turned towards me and his eyes softened. "Sorry, Alyssa. You know Damon."

I nodded and I heard Luke ask, "Who's Damon?"

Alex shut the door behind me and we walked down the hall together.

Alex leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Looks like the vampires here aren't the only ones in love with you."

I blushed. "W-What? No, no...don't tell anyone, but...we're friends."

"I won't. I'm on your side, remember? But still, maybe to you you're just friends. But to him..."

I frowned.

"Where do you wanna go? Anywhere but the den downstairs, that's were Damon and the others are." Alex asked.

"Anywhere." I shrug.

We entered the living room and sat down on the leather seat together. I scooted a far distance away from us.

"I know we should be, uh, doing other things, but I thought we could just talk." He said.

"Sure! I actually have a question...."

"Shoot," He said with a smile that made my heart play hop scotch.

I cleared my throat. "Well, I was know half vampires have a heart because..." I'm one. "Because I have experience with them, but I was wondering...Do full vampires have a heart? I mean, you're really warm so that-" Crap!

What the heck did I just say?!

His stupid smile makes me say stupid things...Curse him.

I blinked a few times and blushed.

"I-I mean..." I stuttered, my blush deepening with each word.

"Well," Alex said, holding back a laugh. "We have to have heart, because humans need to have a way to kill us. Which is why the only way you can kill us is a stake through the heart, or a fire. A stake pierces the heart, a fire devours it. Hence the reason why," He reached over the distance I made between us and nudged my arm. "We're warm."

I blushed as the action sent shocks through my arm. "Oh..."

"Hey," He said, changing the subject thankfully. "You want something to drink?"

"Sure." I replied, getting off the couch with him and walking into the kitchen.

Everything here was expensive looking, with red curtains on every window and gold lining.

He opened the fridge and it was full of bottles. Bottles with red liquid in it. He grabbed one lone bottle and poured it into two cups.

I shook my head. "Oh, no thanks, Alex. I don't drink."

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