(5) Saved...Sort Of

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Chapter 5: Saved...Well, Sort Of

Luke." I wanted to scream his name, I was so happy, but my voice came out in a tiny whisper.

He wrapped his arms around me, filling me in his warmth and making me feel small and protected. I buried my head on his chest and breathed in. Almost everything felt normal in his arms.


It hit me hard when I realized it, making me jump out of his arms and back away from him fearfully.

Luke was a vampire.

He was completely brainwashed by Looper. He wasn't even Luke anymore. Just another one of Looper's monsters.

These thoughts brought tears to my eyes and I backed up all the way until I hit something. When I looked behind me, it was Adam. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him protectively. I shift slightly, feeling out of place and wrong. Only Darin could hold me like this. Especially since I haven't had blood in such a long time. Thirst was taking over me. A human touching me makes it worse. My throat burned and I glanced at Luke with horror. Adam glared at Luke, having no idea what Luke was capable of. My eyes burned red. Good thing Adam can't see them.

"Who are you?"

-Luke's P.O.V.-

Watching her back up to him like that, and seeing him protect her sent a wave of jealousy through me.

But what was even worse was the way she was staring at me. Her eyes were wide and terrified and she was completely stiff and alert. She was different since I last saw her. She seemed stronger now.

Who was she, though? How could she give me feelings like this when I know nothing about her? Another question in my head was, who set the fire? Looper didn't.

The men at his place said he was going to use the lighter in his pocket to burn all of them to death. He was going to keep Darin, though. Looper hated Allison.

I'm supposed to hate her.

Was it this Allison girl? She seemed pretty surprised when it happened, though.

Looper was my master. But now he's dead, and I dont know what to do. And then Darin, who seemed like he knew me. I needed to talk to him. I needed to learn who I was and what I am.

I glared at the man who had his arms wrapped around her. She didn't seem to enjoy it, in fact under her mask of terror, she looked uncomfortable. Probably because Darin is the only man that has touched her like that.

She was beautiful. There was no doubt in that. But she was special too. With her beautiful, brown hair that cascaded down her back, her curious and wide blue eyes, porcelain like skin, and full, pink lips, she seemed perfect. Right now her usual ocean eyes were flaming red. But we all could see, even though I didn't know her, that she was breaking slowly inside. Darin was her soul mate. The thought of it made me cringe for some reason.

Something glinted on her neck and I saw that around it was a tiny shard of glass.

I knew my eyes were red when Adam started to look terrified like Allison.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Give me her and you can go."

The mans eyes grew wide. "W-What are you?"

I don't want to be a monster. The guys at Looper's place told me that Looper saved me from dying by turning me into a vampire.

I wish he was still alive so he could help me understand.

"Just give her to me. Now. I'm not going to hurt her." I snap. My throat starts to burn and it takes everything I have inside of me not to kill him right now.

"I-I won't let you." the man stutters.

My eyes burn red. "What did you say-"

"Stop." Allison says, shaking out of the man's grip and slowly approaching me. "I have to go now," she says to the man. "Goodbye, Adam." A tear falls down her cheek.

I turn to her. "What's wrong?"

"He needs help." She whispers.

I sigh.

I start to dig in my pocket and then I grab a wad of money out of it. I toss it over to the man named Adam.

"Call a taxi and go somewhere safe," I glance at Allison's worry creased face. "For her." I add.

He nods and turns to Allison. "Goodbye, Allison." He stares at me with a hard look in his eyes for the first time. "Please take care of her."

I stare down at her and a tiny smile forms on my lips.

"I will." I murmur.


Allison's P.O.V.

When Luke tells me to jump on his back, a flood of memories flows through me.

With him running at a inhumanly speed and a my hair flowing behind me, it reminds me of when Darin did it to me. I missed the way how Darin's hand fit in mine like a puzzle piece.

Luke had changed. Something. It wasn't a huge change, but one at least. I guess I just have to feed the memories of us slowly, one step at a time. I don't know how I'll tell our childhood story without feeling like I'm going to be sick. Maybe I should leave out the part about him proposing to me. Then it will be like it never happened.

But a small part of me knew that I would have to tell him everything.


Writers comment: I'm so sry on how messed up this chap is bc I had to write it on my phone bc I can't find my laptop...ugh. I'm never doing that again. Please excuse it for now and I swear I'll go back and edit it on my laptop

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