(8) Vampires and Peeping Tom

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Chapter 8: Vampires and Peeping Tom

Allison's P.O.V.

"Luke?" I asked.
"Do you think we'll find Darin?"
He grabbed my arm and made me face him. He was propped up by his elbow.
His eyes searched mine. He had taken out the contacts so now I could see his eyes. They matched the did little circles on my cheek. His gaze switched to my lips. "So beautiful."
I closed my eyes. "You didn't answer my question, Luke."
I should be pulling away.
He leaned in closer. "We'll find him," His forehead touched mine. "I promise."
Then he brought his lips down dangerously close to mine.

I pulled away from our almost kiss and blush. "Luke, I-"

A hand covered my mouth and pulled me up. Something hard was pressed to my head.

A gun.

Luke jumped up, his eyes suddenly bright red.

"Move and I'll shoot her." The man threatens. Luke froze, but a low growl escaped his lips

Two more guys appear beside him and snicker. The man's hands were ice cold over my lips.

"Look at the cute little couple, kissing in the moonlight." He cooed.

"Kill her...Wait. Bring the flashlight over here." I struggled against them and knew they must be strong. Right now I was a full fed vampire. Completely strong.

Half vampire, though.

So I couldn't do anything.

He motioned the boys forward and they shined the light on my face. I squeezed my eyes shut and flinched.

"Wow," The leader said, holding my face in his empty hand. "She's beautiful," He turns towards his men. "But she'll be a tasty snack," I shuddered at his words and fought the urge to scream bloody murder. They all laughed.

A guy appears from out of nowhere. The darkness and his hoody hide his face. He works for the leader, too. Great. "The girl...I've been watching her. She's even more of a reward than you already think," His voice was worried.

The blush got so dark I swear anyone could see it. He had just practically told me that he saw me washing the blood off me in the river...naked. He saw me naked.

The leader considers this for awhile. "You're right." He turns to the men crowded around him. "We've got our prize tonight, boys. Keep the girl, kill the boy."

Did he just say prize?!

One of the men pointed a gun at Luke, but Luke bent it easily.

The leader examined Luke's strength and the bright red of his eyes. A smile curved on his dirty face. "Well, looks like I was wrong. They're not a couple," He gestured to me and I fought the urge to hiss, "She's his prey, and he's the predator."

They must not know I'm a vampire. The man's hand was blocking my fangs. I calmed myself a bit until they went back in. This could be my advantage.

If they think I'm just a weak, useless, human then they won't have their guard up around me. Perfect.

He must've not have felt my fangs when I bit him.

"Take the boy, too. He could work to our advantage," He turns toward the trees. "Good job, boys."

At first I think he's talking to himself, but then about five men appear out of the woods.

Had they been watching us this whole time? I blushed at the thought of our almost kiss.

The one that practically announced he saw me naked grabbed my arm and four men grabbed Luke's. I have to admit, I'm insult.

The leftover men press guns to our backs, pressing us forward.

I glanced at Luke out of the corner if my eye, my facial expression terrified. He shakes his head at me as if to tell me not to show fear. I glance around to make sure no one

noticed our little exchange. Each tiny stupid thing that happens to us is going to slow down my process in finding Darin. I practically wanted to scream in frustration.

Stealing one quick glance back at Luke, I try to ignore the fact that he's shirtless. It's kinda hard, though.

Crap. I need to stop. Focus.

The grip on my arm tightens in more of a comforting way than threatening. I could take out this Peeping Tom couldn't I?

No. Defiantly not. Even through his t-shirt you can see his ripplingly muscles. He was attractive, I won't deny it. But still. Gross. Maybe he was following orders, but still.

I hadn't even noticed that he was staring at me the same way I was staring at him. Except his lacks disgust. He wore a hoody so I couldn't see his hair color. He pulled it over so it hide more of his face.

I met his eyes and I felt my cheeks heat up again. I turned away.

What's with me and the stupid blushing today?!

Well if it doesn't stop I'm gonna ask some of these vamp dudes to turn me fully. Enough is enough, really.

Wait a second.

I glanced back at man holding my arm.

Even though he had pretty impressive muscles, he was a bit smaller than the other men.

The look in his eyes was surprised. He had beautiful green eyes that reminded me of Darin. I couldn't believe I missed them the first time I saw them. They were such a vibrant green. Then a thought occurred to me that I was too busy checking out his muscles to notice his eyes.

Eyes that were still staring at me.

He could be like me, fed so his eyes aren't red. Which made me even more intrigued by him than before.

Not in a romantic way, but more of a curious sort of way. Yeah. Ugh, why am I falling for every guy I set eyes on? No, I wasn't falling for him. Just simply appreciating his looks. Every girl would. The thought made my teeth clench for some reason, though. He looked away from me.

I averted my eyes and when I looked back at Luke, he was glaring at the man holding me in a sort of possessive and jealous way.

Well, dang him. If he thinks I'm into guys that watch girls naked then he's lost.

I shoot him a killing glare and trudge on. Until now I haven't really been paying attention to where we were going.

Oh. We were in the middle of the woods.


Wow, I'm in a bad mood today. Well, I also have every right in the world to be grumpy.

We stopped in front of a weird and curvy path.

"Pass her out." The leader demands my human/vampire. He doesn't move. But then another man moved toward me.

"Fine, I'll do it." The man coming towards me says.

What did he mean by-

A rock smashed against the top of my head and I fully understood. I heard Luke yell my name.

This all reminded me of when I was first kidnapped.

My vision started to blur and the last thing I saw was someone kneeling over me with panic in his eyes.

Writer's Comment: i know I've uploaded earlier than usual but I'm bored so I decided to do it. Yeah...


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