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"What do you think we are going to name our kids?" 

Saffron shot up from her laying position on her bed, giving Charlie a surprised look.

"What?" he asked.

It instantly dawned on Saffron that he was not saying this just to be funny, or because 

he was bored. In fact it was the total opposite. He was terrified. 

There were threats everywhere from the Death Eaters and news went around that Harry, 

Ron and Hermione had been at one stage, located. The Weasleys, and herself, were a 

mess. Arthur and Molly were planning an emergency Order meeting, and until everyone had 

arrived, Charlie, Saffron, Fred and George had been ordered to stay safely hidden in 

the rooms. 

They were all terrified, so without any objections all four went and hid, Fred and 

George in their own room and Saffron and Charlie in Charlie's. 

Charlie had been nervously glancing at the door the entire time, waiting for his mum, 

his leg had been shaking and Saffron was trying hard to keep his mind off things as 

well as hers. So this question was exactly that, a distraction. 

"Nothing," Saffron said, manouvering herself so she sat beside Charlie. "I just got a 

bit of a surprise. I don't know though," she shrugged. 

"I like Vera," Charlie said.

"I like Clara," Saffron said. 

"Alice is pretty," Charlie said. 

"Blanche is nice."

"Stella or Violet?"

"I like Violet. Eleanor?"

"I like Eleanor," Charlie gave a small smile. 

"Benjamin for a boy?"

I think Leo's cool," Charlie said.



"Claudes interesting."

"Aidan's nice too."

"Ooh Aidan! I like that," Saffron exclaimed and Charlie chuckled at her excitement. 

"What would we name our kids though, really?" Charlie asked. 

"I don't know," Saffron smiled. 

"What was your fathers name?" he asked. 

"Kyias," Saffron smiled, fond memories of her father invaded her head as soon as she 

thought of his name. 

"And your mother?"


Charlie was silent for a moment and Saffron wondered what was going on inside of his 

mind. That's something that she had been wondering a lot lately. 

She and Charlie had stuck to their promise and spent a lot of time together, so many 

topics came up in conversations. 

Their future being a main one. 

Saffron liked to think about the conversations the two of them had had from time to 


They may never marry, their future was unknown, but she loved knowing that Charlie 

wanted to spend his life with her just as much as she with him. 

Charlie had opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Moly burst into the room, eyes wide 

and glassy. 

"It's time for you to come down now."

Quitely, the two stood and went downstaairs to the kitchen. Everyone member was there. 

Everyone seemed ready, fidgety yet patient. 

Charlie wanted to sit down, but couldn't bring himself to do it. 

Molly walked in moments later, the twins following her. 

"We've been discussing things," Arthur said facing the twins, Saffron and Charlie. 

"It is time."

A/N Thank you for all being so patient. A big (if late) Merry Christmas to you all and 

Happy Holidays to those who do not celebrate Christmas. I hope you all had a fabulous 


The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now