Accidental Ledge

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"Will she be ok?" Charlie asked worried.

"Yes, she'll be ok," Mrs Weasley frowned.

"What exactly happened?" Tonks asked.

"I don't know. One second she was there, and the next she slipped and fell. It all happened so quick I couldn't, I could've but I hesitated and now she's and it's all my fault and-"

"Calm down Charlie. She'll be fine," Tonks cut him off pushing him down onto a chair.

"It looks like she may have a broken bone but I won't know until she wakes up," Molly sighed.

Charlie nodded, pushing a hand through his hair for the millionth time. This was the second time she had gotten hurt around him and he felt it his fault. How was he supposed to know that the ledge was going to break under Saffron's very little weight. But he just wondered why he himself hadn't fallen.

"Fred! George!" He yelled after he had left the room. He didn't get a reply which was no surprise to him.  He marched up to there room and swung the door open.

They were a little bit too old to be sitting on the floor playing around with magic weren't they? Oh well, Charlie didn’t have time to think about that.

"Hiya Charlie," George said, not looking away from the small contraption he was working on.

"What can we do for you?" Fred smiled looking up at his older brother from the floor.

"What did you do to the ledge?!" Charlie asked angrily.

"What ledge?" they said together, both frowning.

"You know the ledge! Where we keep watch," Charlie said as he began to pace.

"Oh that ledge!" George understood.

"Yes that ledge! What did you two do to it?" he asked impatiently.

"Why? What happened?" Fred asked.

"What happened? Saffron fell that's what happened! Now she's unconscious and we have no idea when she'll wake up!" he burst. His hand was whipped through his hair again and he started to pace faster. He had no idea why he was so angry he just was.

"Saffron fell?" Fred's eyes went wide.

"Yes she fell!" Charlie growled.

"I thought you said you fixed it!" George said accusingly at Fred.

"I thought I had. I'd sat on it remember and nothing happened to me!" Fred replied defensively.

"Wait. You two actually did something to the Ledge?" Charlie asked. He hadn’t really believed they'd done something to it before, he thought it was just growing weak from everyone sitting on it all day. He just wanted to yell at someone after he'd let Saffron fall without even reaching to grab her.

"We were just trying out a few charms you know, practising for just encase a Death Eater trotted along-" George began.

"And I accidentally shot a curse at the ledge and it sort of crumbled. I cast a spell to turn in right and it seemed to work well enough," Fred continued.

"Yeah, I mean he sat on it and everything, we didn't think it would break. Honest! Is Saffron ok?" George asked.

"I don't know," Charlie said gruffly turning to the door. "But I don't think you should be allowed on watch alone again," he said leaving.

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now