Wake Up

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Saffron eventually fell back asleep, after crying for two hours. Charlie held her the whole time, telling her it was going to be ok. He was there and he would keep her safe.

When Molly walked in around five thirty am the next morning, she wasn't surprised to see a half asleep Charlie with a passed out Saffron in his arms.

Without  word, Molly pulled Saffron carefully out of Charlie's arms and lay her down on the bed. She then grabbed Charlie's hands, muttering for him to wake up and hop into bed.

He woke up enough to stand up but was too exhausted to make it to the door. He half collapsed on the floor and fell asleep instantly.

Sighing, Molly shoved him away from the door a little bit and left him, knowing that there was no use wasting time with moving him.

She walked over to Saffron and took her temperature. Normal. She did a few other small checks on her before wiping her forehead gently with a damp cloth.

Saffron woke up two hours later, and just stared at the roof. Her body felt exhausted and she desperately wanted to go back to sleep. But she knew why she couldn't. That nightmare. Her parents, the death eaters, Charlie.

She had had nightmares like it before, many before it. But never as bad. They only seemed to be finding her parents dead, seeing their dead faces like she once had.

But there had never been Charlie, obviously.

She tried hard to think. She remembered him, holding her cheek, holding her body next to his and it made her heart thump a bit louder. Had that part been real, or a dream?

Her question was answered when she looked to the side and saw him laying on the floor. She sat up, a bit shocked at seeing him.

He looked so peaceful and calm, and she remembered how he had appeared in her dream.

Why was he on the floor though? Part of her would have loved to have woken up next t his warm body, something that she hadn't felt for a long time.

But part of her knew that that would not have been wise.

She knew she should get up, but she felt sore, and remembered her fall and cringed. How embarrassing. How had she not reacted, she just let herself fall like a rage doll.

She sat up and for Charlies sake, tried not to groan aloud. Her behind felt extremely painful and her left shoulder hurt a bit more. Her head felt heavy and sore, and the side of her face was stinging. She reached up to touch it and upon inspecting her fingers she saw blood. She sighed.

She knew it would never heal, the kind of mark it was. She was just so upset that it would constantly open.

She thought of Molly who would be awake downstairs she was sure of it. She knew she should let her know she was awake. But she really needed a shower. She stood up, squeezing her eyes shut as well as her grip on the bed. She pushed herself up and slowly walked to where she was keeping the close Fleur had been so nice to lend her.

She chose a pair of loose jeans and a pink sweatshirt.

She made the bed with a flick of her wand, and tried to get the blood out of the pillow, she got most of it.

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now