Chapter 43

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All that's left of myself,
Holes in my false confidence


Typical for a horror movie to get all the protagonists to split up to die in agony.

They made groups for each important task, with the agreement of getting backup if possible for all of them.

One, was to find the god the Herrscher of Chaos put in the realm. Bianca said it would be good to get some advice, maybe even get the deity to side with them.

Two, was the bomb the 7th Herrscher set up. They had to find and deactivate it before it explodes, or if they're unable, they just had to contain the explosion so no one will be affected.

Three, was to find this clock and find out what it is, dealing to it if it's a threat or not. Basing on how the ELF Higokumaru panicked about it, they were all leaning on threat.

Four, most importantly, was to find the Herrscher's Narrative, where the Herrscher's life will be shown like one of those VR history Schicksal has.

Sakura said there should be some parts in the narrative that centers other people aside from the Herrscher that fuels their desire to go through annihilation of life, unintentionally or not.

That's cool and all, but Gavin couldn't help but wonder if his and Stephen's story contributed to that.

Even if unintentionally.

"Don't worry, Gavin", Bianca gave him a reassuring smile. "Even if you did, it doesn't matter. You're on our side. That's what's important."

She did always say that a person isn't defined by their past, but who they choose to be.

Gavin was greatful to be her apprentice, honestly.

Mina tilted her head, wolfing down a lot of onigiri. "So, which of us will go with which task?"

Bronya opened her mouth--

"No. You children are forbidden to take part", Aizawa interjected with a firm glare. "We, Pro Heroes, Valkyries, people that are capable, will take care of this. Once we've gathered, we'll start moving."

Silence. Then, protesting shouts began. Most of the teens really wanted to help, if only to find the other students trapped with them.

Tenya just wanted to convince the teacher to let them help if the problem is as big as it is.

For Shinsou, it's possibly the only opportunity he could have to prove that he's worthy of being in the Hero Class.

For Monoma, he really just wanted to prove that Class 1-B is better.

Izuku stared at them worriedly, fresh from his nap. He didn't like the odds they have. He didn't want to just sit and do nothing, too...

His voice failed him when he tried to speak.

Dan warily watched the teens go. Yui and Shouto looked at each other, nodded, and proceeded to ignore everyone.

Iruma sweatdropped at Alice and Clara for speaking up to get the blue-haired teen the opportunity to prove his greatness. He doesn't really care about reputation as long as his friends are alright, though.

Ezekiel walked over to him, smiled and asked permission to check on him. Iruma's face flushed, but he nodded.

The redhead looked over his temperature changes, joint movement and vision.

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