Chapter 12

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Aizawa and Henri first met at least 6 years ago, when the hero decided to first check out the rising support company in the country.

Teiji, Henri's dad, was currently out in a meeting with all the other support companies, when Aizawa arrived and asked for a custom-made weapon.

Hermann, Henri's older brother, was busy directing the other employees with their jobs, so that left the little brunette to attend to the underground hero.

"I can't promise we'll have the equipment right away", the 7-year old said as he looked up at Aizawa with a notebook in hand and a smile. "But in case we already have what you want, we can immediately give it to you after you pay for it."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow at him. "Aren't you too young to have this responsibility?"

"If I may speak freely, sir", Henri kept a respectable tone, though his voice was laced with concern. "Aren't you too sleep deprived to fight crime properly?"

"...I don't need sleep."

"Everyone needs sleep to be able to function..."

"Whatever, kid. Anyway, I'll need something that can hold back anything at a distance."

"Does it need to be light? Or does it need a quirk-activation mode?"

"It's up to you, kid."

Since then, Aizawa couldn't help but come over to the company to see the weapons and equipment there every chance he gets.

Oh, and see the kid who was making his order, too.

He was just curious, is all.

"Aizawa-san!", Henri ran over to him while carrying what seemed to be a scarf. "I have the equipment you ordered!"

"Oh", Aizawa was surprised. After all, it had only been 4 days. "You have it?"


And with that, the kid proceeded to show the scarf to him.

Aizawa stared blankly at the scarf, then back at the brunette.

Henri smiled as he held it out for him. "I figured you'd want something durable and easy to carry, since underground heroes are constantly on the move. This scarf is made of extremely light and durable metallic material so you can capture and entangle your foes easily, with no sweat."

The hero blinked, before nodding. "That's interesting."

"It also activates with your quirk! Please, try it!"

Aizawa hesitantly put it on and activated his quirk. Immediately, the scarf began to levitate along with his hair.

Unfortunately, the ends of the scarf fell from the bundle while levitating. It honestly looked like Aizawa had extra metallic noodle arms.

The two of them looked blankly at the long ends as the hero deactivated his quirk. Aizawa sighed. "Well, that's unfortunate."

"I can fix it!", Henri grinned, his eyes brimming with determination. "Maybe if I knit the ends together, or if I make the ends magnetic in some way, it won't be a bother!"

The hero raised an eyebrow, before sighing and allowing a small smile to escape him. He wiped it off a second later. "Alright, kid. Show me what you can do about this."

"Yes, sir!"

It wasn't really long before Henri could improve the scarf, and soon enough, Aizawa was constantly wearing them in case a villain comes up.

Even so, Aizawa still kept coming to the company whenever he could, which wasn't much with his job as a teacher and all, but it works.


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