Chapter 55

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When he opened his eyes, Iruma could only see darkness.

The blue-haired teen thought he'd gone blind because of the stress for a second--then he looked down and saw his own shoes, his own hands, his legs.

Okay?, Iruma was kind of confused now. I guess I can roll with this...

He tried to remember what happened before he ended up here. From what he could recall, he'd used up all his power and energy to contain that black hole coming from the bomb.

Then, while everyone else tried to agree on what to do about their problem, Iruma had closed his eyes and...

"Oh", the teen sweatdropped. "I fell asleep."

Doesn't really explain why he's standing in this pitch black void, though. Is he in a dream?

"Before you say anything; no, I didn't take control of your body while you're here."

Iruma perked up. He whirled to face where the voice came from, and saw blue hair with a right hair bang, wearing a middle school uniform.

"It's you", Iruma awkwardly smiled, turning his whole body to converse with this guy.

"It's me", said guy shrugged, casually walking over to him. His steps had no sound. "While your body is recovering, you're stuck here. You and me both."

Iruma looked down and nodded. It made sense; he spent so much of himself just to push that offensive force back, after all.

The other guy huffed, before sitting down next to Iruma. He pat the spot next to him, directly behind the blue-haired teen. "Now, what are you waiting for? Sit down. You want to know more, right?"

"How does the power of the Herrschers work, anyway?", Iruma had wondered, earlier. "Their capacity of power is tremendous, that much is obvious, but...I don't know, I don't understand anything."

Well...since his body is still recovering, and they're all stuck here in the meantime, might as well. Iruma sat beside the other guy.

"Before we get to that", Iruma held up an index finger. "What's your name? Did you already give it to me or..."

The guy blinked. He let out a soft snort, and then went on to try to hold back--or at least muffle--a full-blown laughter.

Iruma felt his face heat up a little, hit with the urge to suddenly hide. He elbowed the other blue-haired teen beside him. "Hey, come on, I'm trying here!"

Like a dam breaking, the Herrscher side of himself fell into loud laughter.

Iruma put his face in his hands.

A minute passed. Then another and another.

It took a while for the other guy to calm down. What followed was him giving Iruma a rather violent pat on the back.

"Good thing you actually remembered to ask, my pitiful host!", the guy snorted, earning another groan from his unwilling host. "Remember it well; this great ruler's name is Aichi."

Aichi..., Iruma mulled over the name in his head. From what I know, it means love, affection... "You have a nice name."

It just made Iruma want to learn more. Just who is Aichi?

What kind of person was he, before he turned into this?

"Thanks", the guy, Aichi, casually smiled, before looking up like he's observing the sky instead of the black space above them. "Anyway. I can't show some cool imagery to accompany the explanation because that would use up more magic and hinder your recovery time. You don't want that, right?"

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