Chapter 38

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I will be the one to end your careless acts. My ways aren't peaceful; oh, your blood will surely spill.


The Herrscher of Chaos hovered above their labyrinth, fondly observing the trapped victims running around like headless chickens and chased around by their servants.

Suddenly, they sensed a presence behind them, to which they hardly batted an eye at.

"I'm curious", they expressed, tilting their head. "How do they plan get out of this mess?"

With an eyebrow raised, they turned to the person behind them, who had Kyuubey on their shoulder. "Well, I suppose you have your own plans, too?"

The hooded person silently stared back with a tight-lipped smile on his face.

Cruel laughter echoed.


Gavin's not freaking out.

Okay, sure, since he stopped Higokumaru before, and he was the great Bianca Durandal's apprentice, he was included in the mission of watching out for UA while Bronya and Sakura facilitated the activities in USJ.

Which is why he was dragged into this mess along with Willem, Welt and everyone else.

Then, because of a wrong turn when they suddenly woke up in this maze thing after they were covered by this black mist, Gavin lost his mentor and the other two adults with them in an instant.

Still, he wasn't freaking out. Not a chance.

Still, it'll be a huge miracle if he could find anyone in this place he's in, which was a huge hallway with no doors or windows, pillars at every few meters, paintings and fancy furniture around just like the room back home where he saw his aunt murder his mother--

He shuddered. No.

He tried to look for any signs of life; whispers, whimpers, footsteps, anything while he continued to walk down the hall, prepared.

What he didn't prepare for was growling.

He heard it near him, around the corner. Slowly, he turned to that direction.

Stephen stood there, head bowed and face hidden from the blue-haired younger teen. His hands seemed to be held back, while his hood outfit split from the middle, letting the right half fall down and expose his shoulder.

Looking closer, he saw wisteria vine tattoos glowing pink across the exposed skin, running through his neck. There were pink fox ears on top of his head, too, along with fully pink hair.

What was alarming was behind the purple-headed teen, where a dark-skinned man with short hair, and with a scorpion's tail kept a firm hold on him.

Gavin didn't know him, but he was certainly not one of the teachers or staff of UA.

So, gathering up his courage, he snapped at the person. "You! Let go of Stephen right now, or else..."

That didn't sound so threatening, Gavin inwardly winced. Should I redo?

He didn't need to, since the scorpion tail man spoke. "Woah, little guy! Sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea right now--"

Suddenly, Stephen let out a rather animalistic growl, lunging at Gavin like a fox jumping on prey. He was instantly held back by the strong grip on him.

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