Chapter 14

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The disk blasted a light in front of Izuku's eyes. Nagisa and the greenette's mom, Inko watched as suddenly, the face of All Might came into view. "I am here, as a projection!"

Izuku blanched. A--All Might!?

It had been a few weeks after the Entrance Exam when Nagisa and Izuku recieved their letters. After quickly contacting Ochako, to which they found out with great delight that she passed, they retreated to the greenette's room to see his results first.

Upon sitting in front of the desk, Izuku tore the envelop of the letter in his hand. Instantly, a disk fell onto the desk and revealed All Might...or a recording of him, anyway.

Imagine the shock they went through. They had to quickly recover, though, since Hologram Might already moved forward with his message.

"Young Midoriya, you have passed the written exam with flying colors!", All Might beamed. "You earned quite a lot of points, too! You did such a splendid job!"

Izuku's eyes visibly widened.

Nagisa and Inko gasped loudly, before big grins slipped on their faces excitedly.

All Might chuckled. "After all, someone who prioritize others' lives and risks his own for their can a hero school reject such a heroic deed?"

Nagisa's grin widened and stared to shake the greenette, all the while excitedly talking something the greenette couldn't properly process.

Suddenly, the projection showed the scoreboard. "Izuku Midoriya, with 40 Villain Points and 60 Rescue points, for a total of 100 points, you did not just pass! You came first in the rankings!"

And indeed, he found his name glowing proudly at the top right above Katsuki's name.

Inko cried out in happiness. "Izuku...!"

Nagisa shook the greenette left and right. "You passed! YOU PASSED! And in the 1st rank, too!"

Izuku let a grin creep up his face, too. He really, really did it.

Nagisa glanced at the exam results again and smiled at the sight of his own name in 3rd place.

Then, that smile slid off when he realized something. "Henri'll never achieve his dream of becoming a Pro hero alongside us now..."

That sentence hung onto the air like a thick blanket. Inko frowned, before pulling them into a comforting hug.

Reluctantly, they hugged back, holding on to the hope that they haven't totally lost their best friend just yet.


Nagisa walked through the streets of Mutsufatsu while listening to music through his headphones. There was a new bakeshop that had opened under Mami's name, and he was excited to get some cakes there.

He was flipping the key Izuku used to try to summon Madoka absentmindedly. There's really no harm in holding on to this, right? I sure can't use magic or summon gods and goddesses with this thing--

Just as he passed an alleyway, though, he heard a loud crash. He winced, easily assuming that a person must have fallen through a garbagecan or something. That must have hurt...

When he actually turned, though, it wasn't just a human that he saw in a garbage.

Rather, it was a rather familiar Magical Boy with Auburn Brown hair lying against some musical instruments that no one really wants. He was unconscious.

Nagisa's eyes widened. His heart screamed at the sight. Henri...

Without missing another beat, he ran to the brunette's side. However, he slowed down when he sensed something wrong.

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