Chapter 27

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For once, Hosuh found himself going to school without tying his hair up.

It was kind of a downer for him, because he loved that hairtie; it was a gift his mom had left for him for his tenth birthday, and she wrote in the letter accompanying it that it would aid him in controlling his powers.

It of the things she had left him with when she suddenly disappeared 9 years ago, along with the yet to be opened gifts she had wrapped a long time ago. Ever since then, his father had been taking over in caring for him and Joey until...

Hosuh sighed while walking down the street, shoulders hunched self-consciously while his Platinum Silver hair fell all over his shoulders. Where could I have left it...?

Maybe Joey has it? Oh, but he knew how much it meant to him, so if he took it, Hosuh should have remembered him asking for it.

Maybe he left it at the fairy warehouse? Well, Nyglattho does have a tendency to keep things neat and clean all the time, so she would have given the hairtie to him the second he and Joey started to leave to their own home shared with Ann.

Where could it be, then?, Hosuh mused grumpily. He turned into a corner--


He immediately caught the knife flung on his face by the handle. Hosuh glared at the object, before his face softened. Stephen.

Indeed, when he looked up, Stephen was running towards him while waving his hands as a greeting. He was also wearing their uniform, and has a bag slung over his shoulders.

"Hey, Stephen", Hosuh handed him back his knife, and he took it greatfully. "You're early today."

The purple-headed teen just looked at him, mesmerized. Then, he proceeded to try and stab him in the shoulder, to which Hosuh automatically dodged.

"What's up with you today? You didn't tie your hair up, and you hadn't let your hair loose ever since third year middle school", Stephen slashed at the silver-haired teen again, and Hosuh caught the hilt of the weapon between his fingers. "Did something happen?"

Hosuh sighed. Stephen decided to put his knife down as the silver-haired teen sheepishly admitted. "I lost my hairtie."

The purple-headed teen did a double take. "Y-your hairtie? When? Didn't you wear it yesterday at the fairy warehouse?"

Hosuh sighed again. "Yeah, I did..."

"Hey, guys!"

The two turned back to see Dan running towards them in his own uniform. He was accompanied by Jay, also in his own uniform, but there was something new on him.

Particularly, the golden ring on his middle finger in his right hand, with his brooch on it.

Dan smiled at them when they got close enough, but it faltered when he saw Hosuh. "Hosuh, why didn't you tie your hair up today?"

Hosuh wanted to melt into a puddle and cry. "I lost my hairtie."

The green-haired teen's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "I see..."

As the two of them talked, Stephen went over to Jay and slung an arm across his shoulder. "So. You decided to show your ring, huh?"

"Well", Jay laughed, before absentmindedly twisting the golden ring on his finger. "I figured that if Dan would enable his bracelet from being shown after the whole class knew of his encroachment, then I should enable my ring to be visible after you guys knew my predicament, too."

Stephen was a bit uneasy at his situation. One of the Seventeen Beasts, supposedly the strongest variety out of the seventeen, is trying to possess my friend...

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