Chapter 37

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You carved my eyes on candles of blood. What can I do for you?


Izuku is a very sensitive child.

When they were kids, he cried at the littlest things, like the fact that snakes don't have legs or that All Might suddenly disappeared, turning out he just took a vacation. Nagisa always scolded him for that, but not like it can be helped.

It didn't really disappear over time. The greenette ends up crying at surprises or inconvenience for himself and for other people.

Henri said it's not a sign of weakness, but a sign of Izuku's big heart. The reason why the box containing that book of spells and spirit keys opened for him.

Yet as the world distorted around them all while the walls emerged, everything was getting so messed up, Izuku was on the verge of crying. Again.

Then, the sky disappeared, and darkness remained.

Izuku found himself going in and out of consciousness, with no clue how much time had passed.

But finally, he gathered enough strength to get his bearings together, and opened his eyes.

The first people he saw were Virgo, a young woman with pink hair, brown eyes and a pair of twisted horns on her head, and two small creatures with blue colored bodies, one with orange shorts, and the other with black ones.

They were peering at him like watching a corpse in this tunnelway-like place with glowing red and orange tubes lined up at the walls, with the way behind them blocked by a wall.

However, the people, or spirits, quickly broke into relieved smiles when they saw him awaken.

"Virgo-san...Aries-chan...", Izuku weakly reached a hand to the four spirits, to which they gently yet eagerly clasped it. "Gemi...Mini..."

"IZUKUUUUUUU!!!", The two creatures, Gemi and Mini cried, abandoning the hand to engulf Izuku in a hug the best they could.

The pink-haired spirit, Aries went next, diving in and almost suffocating the three with a bear hug. "I-Izuku-chan, you're okay!"

With a breathless laugh, Izuku tried to hug all three of them, but couldn't exactly move with their rather strong grip. "G-great to s-see you guys, too..."

Virgo just gave him a smile, before patting him on the head while the rest let go.

Another thing Izuku noticed when he sat up was the wool cushion below him. He didn't really notice at first, but it explained why he felt like he was floating on a cloud.

Izuku grinned, turning to Aries. "Did you make this, Aries-chan?"

Aries' expression turned frantic. "Y-yes, I-Izuku-chan...I hope it's okay for y-you...!"

"I feel like I could stay here for hours", Izuku giggled. "Thank you so much."

Aries bashfully smiled back.

Suddenly, All Might came into view with his usual iconic smile. "Young Midoriya! It's good to see you awake!"

Squeaking in surprise, Aries hurriedly hid behind Virgo .

Gemi and Mini just stared blankly, before laughing at her while they sat on top of Izuku's head.

The hero sweatdropped. "S-sorry, Aries-san..."

Virgo looked at her fellow spirit worriedly, before turning to Izuku. "Have I done something wrong, Izuku-sama?"

Gemi and Mini piped up. "YES!"

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