Chapter 53

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Truth be told, Izuku doesn't know what he's actually doing.

But he does know that before doing anything, he has to know what he has in his disposal.

With Jay sitting beside him in waiting, Izuku tried to reach whoever he could with his Kingpin quirk. Whoever was closest, whoever that could help him.

Oi, are you trying to make me go deaf!?, a grouchy voice snapped back, obviously Stephen. He's thankfully back to normal. Keep your voice down, you a**hole!

Stephen, behave. Hi, Izuku, another voice responded, softer and more calm. Hosuh.

The greenette could feel his grin widen. He'd felt two clicks in his head, when he tried to reach out with his quirk. Hosuh, Stephen, h-hi! Hey...! I'm so glad to hear from you...are you guys okay over there?

It was great, that he'd found people he knew first, people that already knew this ability of his, instead of those who have no idea.

Izuku couldn't help but wonder, though, about how close they are from where he and Jay are. For him to be able to easily reach them...

Trying to adjust to the fact that a voice is talking in my head, just got stabbed, and trying to forget that I acted like a freaking dog, I'm just peachy, Izuku was pretty sure Stephen was thoroughly annoyed at the tone he was using. The other teen must have had a rough time. Also, this is so horrible. Why is it like this? If the number of people talking here increase, we'd have trouble telling who is who.

I think I could try to do something about that, Izuku pondered. But wait, you got stabbed--!?

How about you, Izuku? Are you okay?, Hosuh asked, and then sheepishly backed off when he realized he just cut off the greenette from whatever he's about to say. Ah, sorry. You go first.

Izuku huffed. He already felt lighter, talking to his friends like this. No, no, it's okay. Um...if I'm okay...

He let his head and sight wander, to the tall shelves, the lit candles, and then coincidentally meeting Jay's curious, wary gaze--

I'm in this strange library. The Herrscher of Chaos said this is their personal space, or something, Izuku smiled at the spiky blonde teen as he replied to the two connected through his borrowed power. I think I'm stuck here...also, Jay's with me.

Jay averted his gaze. Izuku's smile wavered.

Hozuh hummed. Oh, okay, so a library--JAY'S WITH YOU!?

Ack. His poor eardrums.

Now Izuku knows why Stephen had been so upset earlier.

Stephen chuckled in amusement, while Hosuh continued to freak out about this truth bomb. How!? Did Jay gain temporary control? Did he and the Herrscher split in a way? Oh! We should get Dan, can you get him he's going to be sO HAPPY--

Hos, Hos, calm down, let him speak, Stephen saved Izuku's ears from certain doom, the smile that must be on his face visible in his voice. What's this about Jay? If he's there, you better bring Dan here, too. Can we be heard by Jay? Can we talk to him?

I...honestly don't know. Maybe, I'll have to try that, Izuku sweatdropped.

However, about Dan...the greenette remembers asking the other green-haired teen to try to reach out to others that are connected to Kingpin, even if unintentionally.

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