Chapter 17

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Henri was really unsure about all...this.

Sure, it was really fortunate that his family had supported his dream of being a hero instead of just a support...

But competing with other people his age that was recommended as well and was most likely better than him in every way...

It was honestly nerve-wracking.

And there was also the whole thing with Izuku's new quirk. His new ability to control everyone that was marked as one of his chess pieces.

Henri and Nagisa had both did their best to reassure him, but it was seriously freaking Izuku out, big time.

"Don't worry about it, Izu!", Nagisa had chided. "I mean, think about it! If Bakugou is a chess piece, you could order him to fall on his sword!"

"That's kind of mean, Nagi", Henri sweatdropped.

Izuku stared at the chess pieces in his hand for the longest time, before shaking his head. "I-I can't use this. I don't want to control people against their will!"

Henri softly smiled at him. At least he hadn't changed...

Suddenly, Nagisa gave out a sharp gasp. When the two of them turned to him, the bluenette frantically pointed at Izuku. "Y-y-your hand!"

The greenette frowned and looked down to his right hand. Then, his eyes widened when there was a tattoo of a black king on the back of his hand.

Henri was really shocked at that, too. The brunette started to step forward to comfort him. "Izu--"

He didn't get to say his next words when Izuku let out a blood-curdling scream.

Like, really freaking him out.

The brunette really wished that he could find more information on this new quirk, but Mr. Matsuo had disappeared again, and he didn't think this is one Izuku would want to test out anytime soon.

And about that chess piece appearing at the back of his hand...

Based on what they had learned so far, that meant that Izuku can mindcontrol himself, too. Which is the most scary part.

What would happen if he would try to order himself something? Would he really be able to control himself that way?

Would he die if he would make himself do something using this quirk?

Henri wasn't sure he wanted to find out. So many questions, and no safe way to find out the answers to them...

It seriously frustrated him to no end.

But enough about that for now, he told himself as he took a deep breath. You have an exam to pass here.

The only thing he could really hope was the best as he entered the doors to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint with all the other examinees that had been reccomended with him.

All of the examinees spread out and examined the place as they all waited for further instruction. Henri was doing the same when he saw a familiar boy with Red and White hair.

Henri's eyes widened a fraction, before he brightened up. Woah, is he really...?

Against better judgement, he ran up to the teen. "Shouto!"

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