Chapter 21

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Everyone flinched at the loud voice.

Nagisa took a long, suffering breath. "Just--why?"

The day was relatively normal, considering that they were in a hero school. They already had homework to worry about in the first half of the first day, too, which was yesterday.

They were looking forward to Hero Foundational Studies, though. Which was currently at this moment.

"I am All Might!", a very large man with an equally muscular and well-defined physique, with short blond hair, swept backwards, rhat has two distinct tufts that stick up above his head, leaning slightly to each side,that casts a dark shadow over his face and hiding everything but his bright blue eyes intoduced himself as a means to tradition of sorts. "And I will be your Hero Foundational Studies teacher!"

"HELL YEAH!", Denki and Eijirou cheered as the class erupted to chaos.

Izuku was practically vibrating in place. All Might...!

Meanwhile, Stephen rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Dan sighed, before reaching over and gently poking his friend on the cheek with the eraser end of his pencil. "Stephen, please try to be a bit more enthusiastic."

"Don't tell me what to do, Daniel!"

Hosuh sweatdropped at them as Stephen slapped the pencil away. It was flung to the back, but fortunately, Shouto caught it before it could hit someone in the eye.

Henri giggled a little. "You guys sure are lively."

Shortly after, they were then sent to the lockers to change into their hero costumes. Izuku was pretty excited, given that part of his costume came from his mother.

"You look like an adorable bunny, to be honest", was Eijirou's off-handed comment.

Izuku's face turned into a tomato. "E-EH!?"

Henri lightly jabbed him half-heartedly into his shoulder. "He gave so much effort on that, don't insult him."

"I didn't--", Eijirou realized what he might have gave out. "Shoot! Dude, I'm really sorry!"

Izuku frantically waved a hand to reassure him. "O-oh, it's fine, really! I don't mind!"

Nagisa's eyebrows raised. "For a second there, I thought you were flirting with him."

Eijirou blinked. "What?"

Henri tilted his head in confusion. "Flirting? What's that? Is it similar to courting?"

"Well yes, but actually no", Dan piped in while putting on the shoulder pads in his hero costume.

Izuku just got redder by the minute. He looked close to fainting.

Nagisa rolled his eyes. "Nevermind."

After everybody finished changing into their outfits, they gathered at Grounds B for the subject lesson.

"Looking good, everybody!", All Might commented. "You all look like heroes!"

Then, Izuku tripped over his own shoes, accidentally grabbing Henri and Nagisa with him. The two panicked and grabbed Shouto and Momo's shirts, pulling them downward.

Shouto and Momo, in turn, grabbed Ochako and Eijirou, who grabbed on to Jirou and Denki, who grabbed Dan and Hosuh...

And the best that All Might could do was blink as he took in the sight of class 1-A, sprawled out and facefirst into the ground or on top of each other. "Okay, maybe we need to work on proper hero entrances, too..."

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