Chapter 29

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It was cold. Horribly cold.

He didn't know what exactly happened, but he figured that it didn't matter more than what he was seeing right now.

Seeing as Nyglattho, the timeless, motherly figure of theirs, was lying dead on the ground. Her lifeless eyes were staring at the ceiling and nothing at the same time as her blood poured out from her and formed a pool on the floor.

He couldn't scream. He couldn't even move. He was literally frozen in fear and he couldn't believe what had happened.

Suddenly, a voice whispered in his ear. "That's quite alright. You don't have to do anything."

He was harshly made to turn to the speaker beside him, only to see a person with their face blurred out.

The mystery person seemed to laugh out loud, enjoying his predicament. "After all, even by just existing, you're killing them on the inside."

He was given a harsh push, and the accuser growled. "Your deeds are never going to make up for what you've doomed them with!"

And he was falling.

Falling down, deeper and deeper. Unable to scream, or use his wings and fly, or anything at all...

It was like he wasn't there. Because he wasn't meant to be there...

He felt himself tremble as he closed his eyes. Someone...please...!

Suddenly, Dan jolted up, sending his covers flying everywhere.

His heart showed no signs of slowing it's rapid pounding. Holding his hand over his chest, he took a deep breath. Just a dream. Just a dream.

When he finally calmed down a bit, his body shivered. The cold bite of the night mercilessly attacked him through his pajamas, draining him of warmth.

He got out of bed, picked up his blanket while trying not to wake up Elias in the other bed in the room, wrapped the blanket into a ball, and hugged them tightly.

"A dream...", Dan murmured again, in an attempt to convince himself. "Only a dream, right?"

I know it's just a dream..., his fists clenched on the ball, before burying his face in it. But it felt so real...

He looked up at the window. The world outside was still enveloped in the darkness of night, waiting for the
dawn to arrive

His body honestly felt sluggish. He wanted to snuggle in his bed again and go back to sleep. But he couldn't. His eyes refused to close, knowing that they might see the continuation of that dream.

Dan sighed, regarding the alarm clock for the time, before slowly stretching. Well, it's about time for me to get ready, anyway...

Pushing himself up with the ball made out of a blanket in his grip, he turned to get a hairbrush at the table nearby--

His heart stopped.

Something was wrong in the image shown in the mirror beside the furniture. What...?

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