Chapter 3

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"Once again", Izuku sighed as he sat on his bed. "I'm sorry."

Nagisa and Henri stared at him for a moment, before sighing.

"I know you meant well, Izu", Nagisa frantically gestured to the greenette. "But you know very well that the world of witches and the normal world are vastly different, just like what Mami-senpai said. If that spell hadn't succeeded--"

"What Nagi is trying to say", Henri cut the bluenette off. "Is that you should really be more careful with your spells, okay? We don't want you dying before I could even turn into a witch myself."

Izuku let out a single laugh, and went silent.

The other two went quiet, too.

The silence reigned for a while, as Nagisa and Henri sat beside the greenette with a sigh.

"Is that really what you're going to end up as?", Izuku stared at Henri with a pout. "You'll become the very creature you are fighting against?"

"I...", The brunette stared back at him, before breaking eye contact and looking down. "Yeah. No matter how hard I'll resist, it'll always be the same outcome. After all, a witch is the final form of a Magical Boy or Girl. It's inevitable."

Izuku stared at the ceiling before plopping down on the bed. "I just wish I could do something to save you."

Henri just gave him a melancholic smile. "Thank you for the concern, but I'll be fine. I've already accepted this fate long ago."

"Geez, Henri", Nagisa frowned. "You're being deppressing as ****..."

"It's reality. I can't deny it."

"...that is true."

A minute of silence passed.

"Wait a minute!", Izuku shot up with a wide grin. The other two looked at him in surprise, as the greenette turned back to Henri. "I could do something to save you!"

Henri blinked rapidly. "Wait, wait, wait, hold on, Izu, maybe you should take it easy for a sec--"

Izuku had already scrambled to get the book from the box, and opened it to a page.

"This, here!", the greenette jumped excitedly and outstretched a hand towards the brunette. "I'm going to help you, Henri!"

Henri waved his hands frantically. "Izu, wait--!"

"Ακούστε την κλήση μου, ακούστε με παρακαλώ. καθαρίστε αυτή την ψυχή και καθαρίστε την πράξη του!"

A bright Sky Blue light illuminated from his palm, before a ball of light blasted Henri on his chest. The brunette fell to the ground with a thud.

"Henri!", Nagisa gasped and went to his side immediately. "Are you okay?"

Izuku gaped, before dropping his book and going to his side as well.

"Y-yeah, I think so...", Henri sat up with a groan, while blinking rapidly. "I feel like a weight got lifted off my chest, though. Weird..."

"Did you cleanse your soul gem?", Nagisa asked.

The brunette stared at him blankly, before shooting up in a panic.

"I'm guessing you didn't", Izuku sweatdropped.

Henri pulled out his soul gem and blanched when he saw it just as the last bit of dark color in it disappeared. He and Nagisa slowly looked at Izuku.

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