Chapter 22

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"Dan, come on. L-let me heal you..."

A teen with Lime Green hair that reached his neck with long side bangs, and has Jade Green eyes looked up at the one who spoke, before sheepishly waving his hand in denial. He had a white handkerchief over his nose to try and stop the blood flowing from it. "It's fine, Hosuh, I got this. I don't want you to waste energy on something so small."

"Says the one who has blood coming out of his nostrils", another teen with Purple hair in a rough mohawk, and Lilac eyes staring at both fellow teens present huffed, before sitting beside the green-haired one. "Want me to take blood off of you to get that to stop?"

"Do that, and I'll pull your fangs out. Don't think I won't", Dan pouted, before he sighed. "In all honesty, it's really just a nosebleed. It happens."

Hosuh frowned, unconsciously brushing his unkempt Platinum Silver hair with his own fingers, before he raised his Moonlight Silver eyes back to Dan. "What did you do to have a nosebleed, anyway?"

"Well, I don't know", Dan hummed, legs swinging from his seat as the three of them stayed on the rooftop of their Middle School. "I have classes with all of you from 8 am to 5 pm, and after that, I go on missions with some of my siblings and the Guardian Wings Military to defeat beasts roaming around the world. Then, I go to the cafe near UA to work my shift. And then, in about 10 pm, I go home and help out with chores, before going to sleep...?"

"You're overworking yourself", Hosuh deadpanned.

"You're overworking yourself", Stephen repeated while nodding in agreement.

"It's not that bad", Dan sighed.

Hosuh reached over to him as Stephen protested. "Dan, do you even sleep? You and Hosuh both have horrible sleeping schedules!"

Hosuh pointed a finger at the purple-headed teen. "Stephen..."

Stephen rolled his eyes, before groaning. "Point is; just let loose a little. Stop having daily routines that give you nosebleeds already, and get a better sleeping schedule! How you and Hosuh never seem to gain eyebags is way beyond me, but still!"

Dan looked up at Stephen, before looking away.

Both Hosuh and Stephen went silent when Dan explained. "I can't deny Nyglattho's orders to do chores or else she'll threaten to eat me, and she's scary. We don't get paid for the missions we're sent off to, either, since the payment for those is the shelter in the warehouse, food, clothes, and education. That's why I work at the cafe."

There was another sigh, before Dan faced the two of them with a determined grin with the handkerchief clenched in his fist. "Besides...I promised to take you two to Disneyland, didn't I? I intend to keep that. No matter what."

Hosuh's eyes widened, before a small smile crossed his face. "Dan..."


A piercing cry rang throughout the air. Most of the Timerre collapsed onto the ground as the beasts met its deaths.

Of course, without even a second's delay, more of these beasts come in as some of the corpses seemed to come back to life.

A writhing mass of green could be seen through the cracks in the dead shells. After a few more minutes, countless vines began to reach out from the inside, and made it's way to Jirou, Eijirou, Tsuyu, and their classmates in the back, despite there being Henri's shields protecting all of them--

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