Chapter 11

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"Izuku-sama, you're doing great", Capricorn directed. "Now, release more of your magic again."

Izuku did what he was told, exceeding the level of his previous release and causing him to create a stronger shockwave around him. Capricorn smiled in amazement at the sight.

After a couple of minutes, Izuku stopped, and plopped on the sandy ground to catch his breath. They were at Dagopa beach to improve his skills for the entrace exam, which was coming along nicely.

The spirit slowly approached the greenette, and grinned. "You did well, Izuku-sama."

Izuku looked at him for a second, before smiling thabkfully. "Thanks, Capricorn."

Then, they fell into comfortable silence as the spirit sat beside him. The two of them stared up at the sunset with smiles on their faces.

It wasn't long before Izuku's smile disappeared. Capricorn noticed, and looked at him worriedly. "Izuku-sama?"

The greenette pursed his lips together, before asking. "Hey, you think I c-can open two k-keys simultaneously now?"

Capricorn hummed in acknowledgement. "Based on what I have observed for the past week and by feeling your magical powers; yes, Izuku-sama. You will be able to open two gold keys at the same time."

Izuku's face practically glowed with delight--

" would be better if you continue this kind of training", Capricorn pointed out before he could stop himself. The greenette's face visibly fell. "As your Spirits, we know that when you are excited, you always pull unbelievable stunts that really makes us worry."

Izuku blinked owlishly for a moment, before he chuckled while scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, sorry about that."

Capricorn just smiled at him, before piping up, as if he remembered something. "Oh, Izuku-sama...before I go back..."

Izuku tilted his head in curiousity.

"There is a spell for Celestial Mages that can give them access to our, the Zodiacs' power", Capricorn explained. "The only problem, however, is it requires great magic for the user to be able to use it. That spell is called Star Dress, and it can be used while the Mage is fighting alongside his or her Zodiac."

Izuku's eyes visibly widened in amazement as a grin broke out. "T-that's amazing! Do you think I can do that spell?"

Silence reigned for a moment.

Eventually, Capricorn responded. "Yes, I believe you can, Izuku-sama. You probably might be able to use it in long periods of time if you continue your training."

The greenette practically grinned like a Chesire cat as he enfulfed the spirit in a hug.

Chuckling, Capricorn hugged back before disappearing and returning to the Spirit World after the greenette pulled away.

Izuku smiled wistfully for a moment, before taking the book and the keys with him while forming a fist as his eyes shone with determination.

"Let's do our best, everyone", the greenette stated. "G-go big or go home, r-right?"


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