Chapter 16

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Izuku was so excited to meet Aquarius, he didn't notice that they were being followed.

When they reached the place, Izuku just gaped at the entrance. Nezu just grinned at him and introduced. "Welcome to USJ!"

USJ!?, the greenette blanched, incredulous. Universal Studios Japan?!

Nevertheless, they entered the place and immediately proceeded to the area with much water in it.

"The water in the Flood Zone is clean, so don’t worry about it", Nezu reassured as Izuku peered at the water worriedly.

"Oooooh, I'm so excited!", Midnight whispered out of excitement, which caused Izuku to jump and almost fall over the pond. The heroine did an oopsie. "Was I too loud?'

Eraserhead let out an exasperated sigh. "Why did I even went on with your ****?"

"Oh come on, Cementos said that this kid is pretty interesting", Present Mic replied, nudging on his friend's elbow.

Still, Izuku was pretty on edge. I-I don't...I don't think I can do this...!

"You can do it, Izu!"

"Go, Izuku-kun!"

"Just summon her already, Izu!"

He stopped at the sound of the three voices, and he turned his head to see that Nagisa, Ochako and Henri had apparently come along, too.

He could see that the brunette looked normal except for his eyes, which looked like an ombre shade mix of Crimson Red and Emerald Green. Nevertheless, he was smiling and waving at him like he usually does as his usual awesome best friend.

The greenette smiled. Henri really is back.

And now, Aquarius will be back once again, too.

He stopped at the thought. Once again? Where did that come from?

He decided to shake himself out of it; he didn't really need the additional headache right now.

With newfound confidence, Izuku took Scorpio's key and started to chant. "Open! Gate of the Scorpion; Scorpio!"

The heroes and Ochako watched with wide eyes when a large beautiful circle with intricate designs appeared where Izuku is pointing his key and made then utterly baffled when a very tall and dark-skinned man appeared with huge scorpion tail on his body.

"We are!", Scorpio greeted.

"Scorpio-san, I'm not really in trouble right now, but I need to show you something", Izuku smiled as he walked towards the water. Scorpio watched in curiosity as the greenette turned around and crouched down, as did everyone.

Izuku secretly pulled out Aquarius key from his pocket, partly for effect, and partly for Scorpio to be surprised. He tried to make himself concentrate. Don't pass out, Izuku. I know you can do this.

Izuku took a deep sigh and dipped Aquarius' key into the water, before chanting. "I am linked to the path to the world of Celestial Spirits, now! O Spirits, now! Answer my call and pass through the gate! Open! Gate of the Water Bearer; Aquarius!"

Everyone with Izuku right now, especially Scorpio, stared in another shock when the waves appeared at the stillwater and a beautiful blue haired and tailed siren holding an urn appeared.

Izuku immediately felt another huge loss of magic, but chose to ignore it as he watched Aquarius study her surroundings. When the siren looked at him, she has this super annoyed look on her face.

She didn't say anything for a while, her expression perfectly blank. Izuku didn't, either, and just held her gaze; it would be rude to look away, after all. At least according to Nagisa.

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