Chapter 26

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"Pau, Pau", a girl with straight Ocean Blue hair, long side bangs and an hourglass hairpin on, as well as playful Royal Blue eyes giggled. "Do the thing!"

Another girl with wavy Soft Pink hair and Hazel Gold eyes wearing chic eyeglasses snorted. "What? That trick again, Bella?"

The one with the hourglass pin, Bella, nodded eagerly. The other girl, Pau cackled. "Alright then!"

Then, she pulled up her phone and pressed something on it. When she did that, the Kim Possible theme started playing.

Suddenly, another girl that seemed to be 3 years older than them with long Golden Brown hair tied up in a high ponytail with a moderately huge red ribbon kicked down the door of the room. "WHAT'S UP--"

The door swung back instantly and hits her in the face, letting them hear her startled scream as she disappeared behind the door. Then, she opened the door again while she held her face in pain. "Ow..."

Pau and Bella giggled. The former one of the two held up her phone still playing the theme with a mischievous smile. "Guess Masha-nee still falls for it!"

The girl with the ponytail, Masha's eye twitched. "So, that's how it is, huh?"

Bella and Pau flinched when Masha slowly creeped up to them.

"S-should we run?", Bella squeaked.

"If you want to see that stupid boy again, then yeah", Pau gulped.

Puffins turned just in time to see his sisters Bella and Pau running off from one of the storage room with their older sister Masha on their tails. They were all screaming.

"I told you not to do it again!", he called out as they kept running through the huge house they had.

"It's just so funny!", Pau defended while trying not to get caught by her older sister. "We can't not do it again!"

He sighed as they disappeared into a corner, screams turning to laughter when he figured that Masha finally caught them and was tickling them mercilessly. "Nyglattho will be really annoyed with you, you know..."

He perked up when he saw Orange Blonde hair come out of the infirmary room in the other hallway, supported by a child with Lilac Violet hair tied in pigtails and another child with a bit slicked back spiky Lemon Blonde hair.

Puffins smiled at the sight, and walked over to the three, making him get noticed by them. He only addressed the oldest one, though. "How' you feeling, Jay?"

Jay looked at him, before smiling tiredly. "I'm okay. Willem's special treatment really did a number on me, though...I don't think I can walk that well for now. At least Timmy and Teddy are here to help out."

"We're helping Jay-nii move around!", the one with Lemon Blonde hair, Timmy declared proudly, despite the fact that both children were just until Jay's waist and couldn't actually help him walk that much without the teen hurting them. "It's one of the skills we have to get!"

The one with Lilac Violet hair, Teddy blinked owlishly. "What skills?"

"Skills to conquer the world!"

"What world?"

A chuckle sounded behind the three. Timmy and Jay felt someone pat their hair fondly before the person moved to Teddy and Puffins as a way of endearment.

"You should really be careful with your actions, you kids", the person, a man that seemed to be in his early twenties with brown eyes and black hair smiled kindly. "You don't want to get the treatment, right?"

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