Chapter 42

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I promise you; when the time comes, we will rise


Willem constantly checked on Dan, making sure his fever won't get higher.

Even with that, he still wouldn't stop checking on Puffins and Joe constantly.

Both fairies insist they're perfectly okay, but it doesn't stop Willem. At one point, the man even gave them water to hydrate themselves.

Puffins rolled his eyes at the overbearing attitude, but they took it anyway. Every fairy knows that's just how Willem is.

They helped out whenever they could, just to lighten the load of the man they see as their father.


"I'm sorry...", a weak voice whimpered, face flushed due to being sick, and complexion pale. "I'm...a bother..."

Joe barely suppressed a sigh, carefully brushing their green-haired sibling's bangs away. "Nah, it's actually fun doing this..."

Plus, you'd do the same for us if roles were switched.

Puffins put the now cold rag again on their sibling's forehead just as Dan managed a feeble laugh, before his breathing evened out again.

The brown-haired fairy couldn't stop himself from frowning. Every time Dan's lucid enough to be a bit aware, he'd always apologize.

Reason is that he's ill in the middle of a situation, and must've been worried about dragging them down. They understood.

Fairies would often push themselves even when it already hurts to move, just long enough for missions to succeed. They didn't have the luxury to even rest for a while, like what they have now.

This is a minor miracle for them, honestly.

The siblings took turns while Willem made another special medicine for Dan. He recieved aid from Izuku and Ezekiel, too.

Which is another problem; Ezekiel is strange.

Aside from the fact that the guy let them in and helped them with recovery without question, there's a strong aura of suppressed power Joe sensed in him.

It's like Sakura's case, whenever those symbols in her eyes disappear. A strong level of corrupted Venenum Magic Herrschers have, buried down below.

Unless Herrschers can be made inside other Herrscher realms even when Bronya declared it impossible, Ezekiel couldn't have that much power.

Strange, indeed.

It's clear they all needed food, though. Clara, Alice, Mina, Tenya, Ochako, Tsuyu and Shinsou handed out onigiri with Sakura, as well as other food like fruit salads.

Joe got an onigiri with mangoes as filling. Puffins sulked with his salad as people happily munched away.

Hatsume activated a speaker device that blasted upbeat music. While Aquarius and Bronya were more than a little irritated, it certainly helped the mood.

However, the brown-haired fairy couldn't bring himself to eat much. Joe noticed. "Hey. You okay?"

Puffins sighed. "You know...Jay would've loved chilling like this."

The glasses-wearing fairy bit his lip. He couldn't help but agree.

A cloud of dust appeared beside the two, which cleared to reveal Stephen, now in his normal teenager form, still giving Hosuh a piggy-back ride.

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