It's My Birthday!!!!

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That's right people! It's My B-day! But that also makes it Chance's and Makayla's birthday! 

So, happy birthday to me and my lovely characters!

For my last birthday I uploaded a new chapter a couple days after the last one. This year I didn't have the time, oh well. But I did do something. I made a patreon!

I know I probably wont get anything but, its worth a try right. Also, need to save up for law school ;). Anyway here are the tiers. 

Tier #1: Early access, For every chapter of every book of mine you will be able to read that chapter 5 days before its released on Wattpad. For only $3!!! Some creators charge like $10 just for early access which is ridiculous. 

Tier #2: Early access and special requests, along with early access you will also be able to ask me to write anything. Seriously, anything! Something smutty? I got you. Something fluffy? You fucking know it! A romantic poem for you boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other? Uggg yeah! Seriously I am your doll, tell me what you want and I'll write it. $5

Tier #3: Early access, Special requests, access to drafts/works in progress, and a 1 v 1 phone call with moi! Or basically anything else that you want. You want me to bark like a fucking dog I'll fucking do it. (maybe not;'). But do with me as you will for $10's. 

Find me here!!!!!

I really just want to thank all of you for reading this. Seriously, I thought it was gonna flop and people were gonna comment stuff like 'fuck this gay shit'. But people are actually like 'omg! Fuck yeah, Gay shit!' lol. so thank you so much!!!! love you guyssss so muchhhhh!!!!!

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