Chapter 28

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3rd person

The alarms rang shortly after 8 o'clock. Everyone was already anticipating the alarms and were up hours before they rang. Maven told patrolling warriors to let Amber through when she arrived to avoid any "unwanted deaths". So, the gang gathered near the treeline and waited for her.

Hailey was spacing out and thinking how much this reminded her of Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2. A group of supernatural people waiting around for other supernatural people. Then, fighting till the last breath. Someone running off for the protection of a child.

And much like Twilight, the landscape for the fight was perfect. A small stream ran near enough for Hailey and Hazel to use. The trees were tall but sturdy enough for warriors to mount for an ambush. Also, the ground was primarily level which will somewhat prevent some of the clumsy idiots from falling on their asses.

The wait was over, Amber finally stepped  into the clearing. Her snake slithered in behind her. It was white with slight hints of pink and yellow in its scales. Red eyes bore straight into the soul of whomever met its.

On the other hand, the dragon was a mix of blue, black and purple. It swooped in from the sky and landed with a crash next to Amber. It's ombre wings stretched out into spikes that looked like rose thorns. The rest of the dragon was covered in these spikes. Although both animals were majestic and beautiful, they were fucking terrifying.

Amber herself was a beautiful young woman. She had minty green hair with pale skin and dark green eyes. She was skinny with an average height of 5'6. Despite being skinny, she still was fairly curvy. Her black tank top and shorts accentuate her prominent curves.

Her smirk was covered in lipstick and fake fascination. Her eyes lit with wonder as they darted from person to person.

The 'good side' stood tall with their heads held high. Amber just laughed at the efforts of everyone trying to be strong.

"Well hello there!" She gushed like she was talking to a 5 year old. "I see you called in my friends from Azyria."

"Bitch! We aint your fucking friends." Nolan shouted with a neutral face. Right next to him was his mate. Damien gave Nolan a 'really?' look but turned back to Amber with a glare.

Ambers eye twitched a little bit but she soon regained her composure. Her small arm reached out to caress the scales of her snake.

"Well, there's no reason to delay the inevitable. Aila, why don't you take out the Azyrian wannabes. Yana, you can burn down the warriors in those trees. I'll take care of the Alpha and Luna." (Aila is the snakes name and Yana is the dragon's)

Good and evil clashed as the fight began. Trees took flame as the dragons breath turned into fire. Warriors jumped out of trees, some landing on the ground while others landed on one of the two animals.

Chance and Maven deflected all of Ambers flames with vigor. They were absolutely determined to survive this ordeal. Chance shot flames and icicles at Amber but she was fast and could easily deflect them.

Nolans eyes were glowing yellow as he tapped into his power. Sparks erupted all over his body, shaking in exhilaration. The need to shoot lightning overwhelmed his senses. Steady arms reached out towards the sky, two fingers on each hand directing the light. The blue sky was filled with warning sparks as he turned his head back to the giant animals in front of him.

Hailey and Hazel pulled sleeping potion from a pouch tied to their waist. Small poisonous icicles struck the underbellies of the beasts. That completed part 1 of the plan. All they had to do was wait for them to fall asleep.

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