Lucky me

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Gumball's pov
As soon as I walked through the school doors everyone's head turned my way. I blushed and kept walking. I had barley gotten to the cafeteria when people started asking who I was
"Im prince bubblegum." I would say "what grade are you in?"
"oh that's cool." they would say.
"so how old are you?" I would  sigh and say "15" then they would look at me and ask that I must be smart to be able to be a senior already. I would thank them and continue to walk down the hall. I'd already been given several numbers when this boy slams my books and starts going off on me about stealing his girls and calling me "pinky". it wasn't really him going off at me that made me cry it was more of being called pinky I'm very sensitive about that word. Anyways after he stormed of I ran to the bathroom to calm down. After splashing some water on my face I decided to get to class. i was only 10 minutes late so I decided to use the "i couldn't find my classroom" excuse. When the teacher told me to take a seat I looked around to find that there was only one seat left. Next to the boy who clearly hates me. Lucky me ... lucky me.

Marshall lee x Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now